What GPS locator for <$1K

  • broadwaybob
    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    I’ve got to outfit a new boat with electronics but don’t want to spend more that a grand for a helm unit. I’m fine with a 5″ screen but got caught off-guard with Lowrance’s new support policy and the problems with their HD units reading map chips. Help me out guys! Is there any hope for a lifetime Lowrance user?

    Lake Mills, WI
    Posts: 831

    i jumped to hbird, check out the 788ci units, they are nice…

    Don’t tell my lowrance friends, they are going to see in two weeks at the first tourney.

    Posts: 4179

    Bob, think hard about making the jump to Humminbird and put a 798ci SI combo on the helm.

    I was a lifetime Lowrance user as well, until I started learning more about what side imaging would do for me: it would change the way I fish, for the better!

    The new 798ci-SI offers a high-resolution (640 x 640) 5″ screen, GPS, traditional 2D sonar, and proven side-imaging technology in a well-supported package. Humminbird models are compatible with the latest Navionics chips for your mapping needs. And right now, you can pick that Humminbird package up for $1000 (or less!).

    Be sure to check with Wade at Jolly Ann Sales for the competitive pricing, free shipping, no sales tax outside of IA, and of course the best customer service anywhere!

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    I will have to second what Jason said. I would strongly consider the 798si. That is the unit I am currently running in my boat. I couldnt be happier with it. It fits right into your price range also. Like Jason said, check with Jolly Ann Marine, or even the Skeeter Boat Center about more info and such. Either one should be able to help ya out.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    Have to third Jason and Eric. I have the 797cSI I would not have a boat without an SI unit. Updates have been trouble free and Humminbird has been really great about adding features in updates that fishermen request.

    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 79

    IF your lifetime lowrance Id stick with Lowrance. Look at the 520 or 522 both are great units have one on my little boat. Plus they are a color unit to really pick the fish off the bottom. Or for still short of $1000 you can get LCX-28C which has a nice big screen. I think they are running around $900 you will be impressed with that unit. Good luck let me know if you have any questions.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    I picked up a 788ci a few months ago. I have been fishing with it quite a bit this spring. I get great bottom readings but I have yet to see the arcs that are supposed to represent fish. I fish a smaller river that is about 10-15 ft deep in most spots I fish. I get a lot more clutter on the river which I would think is normal. The lake in town is on average 10-20 ft deep. I have been playing with the settings quite a bit but have yet to get it right. Any tips would be much appreciated.


    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    You are describing a phenomenon I’d been warned about. Lowrance users were used to having the gain (sensitivity) turned up at or above 75% and the HBirds operate at 40% or lower in shallow water. I’m not sure I want get on a steep learning curve that the HBirds will require. I hear that transducer setup is really tricky with that SI technology and fish arches are a thing of the past with them. So, what do you look for with side imaging on order to “see” fish? Has someone put together a multimedia presentation to explain this new technology? I’m listening. Bob

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    As for sonar set-up and seeing arches I would have to disagree. You may be referring to just using the side imaging though also. I run two transducers for mine. The side imaging transducer, that I use to locate structure or find new areas, and the regular 2D transducer while actually fishing, and for running wide open. By the 2nd or 3rd time I used it I felt I understood at least the basics of the general unit. As for learning the si I believe that will be a onging process as you are always finding new locations, and things to look at.
    The skeeter boat center will be having some on the water demos through out this summer on side imaging, if that helps at all. I may also be available for an on the water demo and maybe even some fishing. I’m not sure of any plans as of right now for a formal (power point) presentation on si, but will let you know if I hear of any.

    Any other questions feel free to ask.

    Lake Mills, WI
    Posts: 831

    If you want to check out what the birds have to offer as far as 2D and side imaging, send me a PM and we’ll take my rig out on the water. I don’t have the 797, but have the larger 997 and the 788 on my rig. I’m not too far away from you.

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    It is helpful responses like these that make this site a great resource to its users. Eric, I stopped in the Skeeter Boat Center recently and Dan Meyer is working on building a community of anglers for that kind of sharing of information. I’d encourage anyone in the area to check out the seminars (http://www.skeeterboatcenter.com/Seminars.aspx?levelid=16) and get-togethers he is offering. He’s the one who advised me about the gain/sensitivity issue. Joby, I’ll check out the sites because this cutting edge tech is difficult to learn by oneself. Nic, I’ll take you up on that offer–PM me when you anticipate going out and I’ll meet you. Thanks, Bob

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Thanks for the replies guys. I have since turned down my sensitivity and am now seeing the arcs I have been looking for. I found another post on this forum that had some ideas on how to get a good reading from the humminbird. I will be heading to the Skeeter boat center to get informed. Thanks again for all the great info!

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