Bow damage repair?

  • skribnod
    Cuba city, Wisconsin
    Posts: 60

    While attempting to dock in 35+mph winds I hit the dock with the front end of the boat. Wouldn’t you know that the dock had a piece of plate steel sticking over the lip of wood. The damage is not severe and way high of the water line so leakage is not a problem. The damage is about 1.5 inches long and 3/4 of a inch wide. Is there a quick repair to keep this from getting worse? Maybe a small clear coat over the top or something I could brush on to seal it back up? It is in a dark area so anything white will not work for repair. Thanks

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    Bony’s Fiberglass Repair.
    Rochester MN

    Cuba city, Wisconsin
    Posts: 60

    Too far to drive for a minor repair. Any ideas for a quick fix untill fishing season is over and I can get every ding and scratched fixed? Thanks

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    Find someone in your area that does gellcoat repairs and have them mix up a small amount, clear, and brush it on the wound. Sand the area first a little. I did this on a couple pretty bad scars and it at least heald the water out.
    Good Luck.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    tough part here is that everyone “fixes” things differently. personally i always try to do things correctly the first time, as it saves time and $ in the long run. although i have been in binds before in BFE and had to use products like 5 min epoxy. you can purchase at walmart, auto parts places, hardware stares, menards. its a two part seringe. mix, let it thicken then aply. should get ya by.

    Posts: 248

    You also could buy a can of fiber hair and hardner. which is actually just fiber glass and would most likely be what a shop would use to fix your boat anyways. but it will be light in color once dried so you could sand it up and put a light coat of paint on it and it would probably last the life of the boat.And it would be just as strong as new.


    P.S You can find it at most auto parts stores and i think wal-mart may carry it

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