Merc 9.9 kicker not run

  • floydthegreat
    Posts: 25

    I started both motors at home this spring (with water hooked up),I ran them for about 5 minutes then shut them off.
    Sunday I go to a lake and big motor runs great but kicker starts and barely idles then quits.I check the fuel bulb and it’s real firm,so I think it’s getting fuel,but she will not fire up again. Anyone with ideas,I could use a few. Thanks Stan

    New Hope, MN
    Posts: 346

    Check the fuel filter on the kicker.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    depending on if your motor has it or not. check the idle adjustment knob and lean/rich knob. if those got accidentally moved, it could cause that problem.

    i have an older Evinrude 15hp that has those knobs on the outside of the cowl, and sometimes i’ll bump them and then the motor obviously won’t run right.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    Was it new fuel? probably junk in tank cloged the carb. Most of the time that is th email issue with the crappy ethenol gas. bouncing on th eroad breaks loose the build up and suck into the motor.

    up man
    Posts: 305

    Last fall our would start and then keep dying as soon as we put it in gear… We took it in and the fuel pump went bad.. So that could be it too. Good Luck with it

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Let me guess…
    A. you hardly use the kicker.
    B. you did not or dont ever drain the carb or run the carb dry after last season and seasons before.
    I hear this from so many guys,
    If you only use the motor a few times a year you need to drain/ ru the carb dry by disconnecting the fuel.
    Also you MUST drain/ run it dry prior to storage. Stabil, seafoam and such are all jokes. There is no substitute for doing things proper. The jets in carbs are like arteries in our bodies, they get plugged, espicially when gas sits in them, as it dries/ evaporates it leves behing a film and over time it adds up. My guess, if you havent ever drained/dried the system before storage u need to have the carbs cleaned. start buy putting a bit (1 oz.) of gas directly in the barrel of the carb, bet it fires… means no gas is getting in to the cyl.
    There are basically only 3 things that cause engines to not run
    1. Ignition
    2. fuel
    3. compression
    that is the order in which to systematically diagnose engine failure

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