Well, I picked up a Lowrance 113c over the winter and installed it a few weeks back. Unit worked fine in the garage, and the first ride on the water. I wented fishing Weds at Prescott, launched in Hastings and ran down there. Everything fine, floating in the no wake zone, the unit starts beeping, locking in and out of GPS. after 30 minutes, it wouldn’t lock into anything the rest of the outing. Meanwhile the x27c on the bow, is working fine, locked in, no problems. I do not have them networked at this point, just set them both up at both locations.
I got home tried it again, nothing, Sat. page show it’s find 1 or 2, then faids to not seeing anything. Meanwhile, the x27 up front is locked in, and seeing 7-9 sat’s, 7 ft. way from each other. So far, I’ve switch pucks, and switched unit locations, all with the same results.
Any ideas? Thanks,
April 17, 2009 at 2:25 pm