Jig Hooks

  • trumar
    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    After reading recent posts of jig making ,painting and such I got to wondering why is it you only see GOLD or NICKEL coated hooks on icefishing jigs and not bigger freshwater jigs? If they do ,I have not seen any.

    Does it play any part as a attractant in the winter waters clarity or doesnt it make a difference at all?

    Maybe this question could best answered by someone who deals in making jigs for a living…

    Scenic Tackel you out there? what do you think ?

    The things that make you go HMMMMMMM

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 121

    Must be looking in the wrong place i see alot of gold jigs made by northland tackle up here 1/16 up to 1/2 oz even a few nice shiny chrome ones too.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Some of my custom made tube jigs are made with nickle. I poured some gold hooked ball head jigs a few years ago.
    I am not sure why you never see them in the stores.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’m convinced that the plating process causes problems with the temper in hooks. I know that the gold hooks I have used in crappie jigs will not bend as readily as the bronze in the same brand of hook if they get caught in a snag. Either the points break or the hook snaps when the gold hooks get caught up and a steady pull is put to them. Bronze hooks will bend. I’m using light wire hooks in both the gold and bronze.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I agree, they are definitely different.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    Strange you ask that today. Just today we poured 1,000 each 1/4, 1/8, and 3/8th oz gold long shank shiner jigs for one company and 3,000 red for another company. Monday we will be pouring red, blue and green hooks. So yes they are being used.

    From what I can gather at one time it was a cost and availability issue. The gold were a lot more then the bronze so people got accustomed to using the standard bronze hooks. Bronze was also a lot more available so that is what was used. Now it is a personal choice. Each company has their own preference and reason of what hooks they use for each application. We mold hooks in bronze, silver, gold, green, blue AND then there Is the red too.

    Does it make any difference of what color the hook is? I don’t know. Nobody can get inside of a fish’s brain and figure that one out. But if you use a jig that it is catching fish then keep using it!!!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    Does it make any difference of what color the hook is? I don’t know. Nobody can get inside of a fish’s brain and figure that one out. But if you use a jig that it is catching fish then keep using it!!!

    Amen to that statement. Personally I am bronze all the way except for what comes cast into winter tackle.

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