HELP! GPS module not responding?

  • freitag
    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    My Lowrance 3500C has worked flawlessly until 2 weeks ago. It now pops up with ‘GPS module not responding’. Does anyone know why this would all of a sudden stop picking the module…..the wires are fine, there has been no trauma to the puck….could it be an update issue? I would really appreciate any help. Thank you.

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    The first thing I would check is your fuse. I had this same problem one time, the actual fuse harness was bad so I had to change the fuse harness. Also there is a possibility your GPS module has gone bad, so if you have a buddy with the same module just swap it out for a few minutes and see what happens.

    Norway,Michigan (In DA UP)
    Posts: 165

    I had the same problem a few years ago. The wires “LOOKED” fine. I used a Dialectric Grease on the connection and we where back in business. Since then I coat all connections with a very thin layer including my trailer connections.
    I pull a trailer quit a bit in the winter with all the salt spray and no problems. Hope this does it and your Module is not bad.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    GPS module not responding

    If I recall correctly, that’s the error message for no power getting to the puck. I guess it could be the sign of a puck going bad too.

    I would focus on the power wire going to the puck first, then if you have a buddy that you can swap out pucks with, try that.

    I’m going to bet a quarter it’s a loose connection though.

    Posts: 109

    BK…. betting a whole quarter????!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 1564

    If it makes you feel better, my 3500C did the same exact thing out of the blue on Sunday–was working and all of a sudden message appeared GPS module not responding.
    Hooked it up yesterday in the garage and bingo, thing worked like a charm. My first thought was the power wire as the fellas said, but now working fine. Post us once you find out what it was.


    Posts: 128

    When this happened to me I unplugged power and then re powered the puck. Before software updates it was a common enough occurence that I put a switch on the puck power lead. This also allows me to stop the trickle of power the puck always draws when the boat isn’t in use.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Not to take this thread to another direction…but…

    I’ve heard of people putting a switch in the power wire to the gps antenna. I never did this…what am I missing? I’m on my third year now.

    Ellsworth, WI
    Posts: 186

    Same problem last year, fuse.

    Posts: 253

    BK, lowrance does recommend wiring the puck thru a switch. otherwise it draws power all the time.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 160

    Does it pick up a signal after a few minutes or does it not pick up a signal at all? My Lcx25 takes about 10 minutes to get a signal then it is fine, but for the first 10 minutes it is on it says not responding.

    Posts: 963

    Pucks do ramdomly go bad, happened to me, its madding that you put it away fine and now it doesnt work, but try the fuse. Also try pointing the puck south for a few minutes, some times thats all it takes to get a saddle.

    Posts: 1291

    I had that problem when I first installed my 332c,it was the fuse.I changed to the blade-style and never had a problem since.The fuse holders that came with the unit were coming apart quite often.

    I once left the puck connected for a few weeks,and it drained the battery.On board charger took care of that.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I haven’t had a problem with mine for a number of years…so I have to ask the question.

    If it works sometimes, but not all the time….how could it be a fuse? Wouldn’t it not work all the time if the fuse was blown?

    Just trying to learn.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    More than likely a corroded fuse holder or loose connection. Those in-line fuse holders are junk in my opinion. I’ve had lots of them fail over the years. Now, if I use them, I secure them to some other wiring etc… so they aren’t hanging loose, flopping around.

    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    Well, I checked all wiring, rewired a new in-line fuse, checked the connections and no luck…..the only thing left to do would be grabbing a friends puck and seeing if the GPS will pick it up. Unless you guys would think that the unit is in need of updates – leading to the problem.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    The updates are free, so I would do them either way. Just be darn sure to backup any waypoint info you have prior to this!!!!

    Posts: 1036

    You will definitely want to wire in a switch to your ‘network’ power line – Lowrance required this a few years back. The optimal way is to power up your unit first and then power up yor network approx 30 seconds later so the network power line does not see the spike when powering on your unit.

    If that doesn’t work and your wiring checks out – your puck is blown and call Lowrance and ask for a new one.

    Also, Lowrance now ships blade style fuses and holders as the are WAY more reliable!

    Good luck!


    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    Will Lowrance replace the puck? Thanks for all the responses guys…

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    I actullay just sent in a 3000 puck to Lowrance yesterday. The puck antennas have a 1 year warranty on them. If it’s within a month or so Lowrance will still replace it. Give them a call and they can check when the puck was purchased but you will need the serial number off the puck. If it’s after one year there’s a $99 dollar replacement fee (plus shipping).

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Can you check power to the puck with a multi-meter, or test light? Both tools can be bought for less than $10 each.

    I don’t have my boat here, so I don’t know how easy it is to get at the wires to check for power.

    Give me a holler if you are heading this way.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    You can check power with a meter as I have. The lowrance website has a diagram that shows you which holes (8 and 9) etc. to use.

    I happen to be having the same problem, but to compound things, I am on a network and all of my other units are working fine. Only my large unit (x37) will not pick up the puck. It will start working and stop for no known reason.

    I like Ted’s idea as I have my units power switched seprately from my network’s switch. If you turn the network on prior to unit it doesnt seem to connect and it is only with the higher powered unit it seems. My next idea is to replace my 120 ohm terminators in my network as they are the blues and I have heard they were switched to red because of water/corrosion problems. Ted, could this be my problem??

    Posts: 1036

    Maybe on the red vs. blue but in order to use red connectors in a blue network you need an adapter and blue in a red network you need a different adapter as they are not the same… don’t get me started on that deal they pulled on us a few years back… I think it’s either an open in your network or a fried puck. Until I wired in a switch and powered on the units first I was going through 2-5 pucks per year…

    If you 37 is not picking up the puck are you using an older blue connectors and an LCG2000 puck? I am thinking they updated to the 3000’s around the time the x37’s came out…

    Good luck and let us know how things turn out.


    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Sorry Ted, I did mean replacing my old blue terminators with new blue terminators. I understand the blue vs. red thing also and I should be able to claim all the adapters under my medical insurance with all of the headaches they have given me. For the very first time in my life they have made me wonder what male and female real ly means… Look at the package on a quick 50 mile trip to Cabela’s and it say blue male to red female. Get home it is a blue female and a red male. Read closer and it says “fits” blue…. Enough grumbling….

    I do have a 2000 puck yet and wondering if that was the problem as well but it was working fine since my last update of both puck and unit so I am besides myself. Lord knows the LGC 3000 will work just fine so I may as well go get it. Lowrance is turning into one of those cell phone companies I think, still love their stuff though…

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