Opinion on fishing kayaks

  • trekr200
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 260

    I am considering purchasing a fishing kayak. I would like to hear some opinions on fishing kayaks.


    Norway,Michigan (In DA UP)
    Posts: 165

    I have a Predator ~ 11′ All set-up for fishing. Kinda neat but not much room. Really nice for skinny water. Also is my ticket for getting to some difficult to reach Gobblers in the Spring.

    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 151

    If you have the opportunity, try out a kayak before you make a purchase. In Rochester close to Memorial Week-end a local Kayak outfitter has a day to try out a variety of kayak styles and sizes at Foster Arend Pond. They had a number of knowledgeable people there to help answer questions about kayaking and fishing from a kayak. For a number of reasons, I’m not convinced yet, but I’m still considering it.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I’m just starting to consider them as well. Here is a recommendation from a person I spoke to that sells and fishes from kayaks. He gave me numerous reasons why to get this type rather than the ones you sit inside of.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 260

    I haven’t heard of Emotion. I like the looks of the craft though.

    I have been looking at the Hobie and Native models. I like the items that come standard on the Hobie but would prefer a more “bicycle pedal” propulsion instead of the “push” propulsion. Any comment?


    Posts: 3239

    There is an article in the latest issue of North American Fisherman on kayaks. It looks as though the Hobie is the only pedal propelled model.

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