HotSaucing a BC reel??

  • btomlin
    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187

    What is the best way to hot sauce a baitcasting reel??

    I thought I would see if you need to take the handle, drag wheel, and side cover off. I didn’t want to take them off and have parts go flying all over. I’ve never taken one apart before….


    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 176

    What kind of reel is it? Abu Garcias are real easy, Shimanos are a little bit trickier.

    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187

    It’s an old quantum EX500. I have the cover opposite the handle off & spool out. I haven’t got the courage to take the handle side apart. I guessing there are a lot of “stuff” on that side.

    When I take the “spool tension” knob off I can see a small gear. Can I lube this one and hope the lube gets to the others??

    I don’t use BC reels for much so I’m trying not to royally screw it up.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 176

    Carefully remove the handle and drag components, being sure to draw a diagram of how they go back together. There are a few small parts, but as long as you keep track of everything it should go back together. Oil the bearings and grease the gears, separate the discs in the drag, clean and very lightly grease, and clean any gunk, then carefully put it all back together. There are usually diagrams online for each reel type, so try a google search on “quantum reel diagram” and your model number.


    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187

    Thanks Dave!

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 176

    Quantum 500 Diagram
    Click on the above for a nice diagram. Use only one drop of oil on each of the bearings, and grease a small drop on the teeth of the gears. Let me know how it goes.


    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187

    HOLY ………

    A lot of peices!!!! This should be interesting!

    Posts: 918

    hey dave…. how do you go about hot saucing an abu garcia? I have a C4 series, thing makes a terrible squeal noise sometimes when i cast it, not sure if the gears are going bad or if it just needs to be lubricated properly.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 176

    Abu Garcia Maint.
    Here is a great link to a step-by-step procedure. It is actually for an Abu Garcia Record, but all the C4s are very similar. Take your time and be sure you keep a diagram and everything in order. If lubing doesn’t work, the bearings may be bad. Remember, only one drop of oil on the bearings and grease all the teeth on the gears with a small amount of grease. The link does not say to clean and oil the “worm gear” that keeps your line going back and forth over the spool. Carefully clean and oil that gear also.

    I’m willing to take a look at it for you if you don’t want to do it yourself.

    Good luck!

    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187

    Thanks Dave!!

    I would have had a “parts” reel for free without that diagram!!

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