Weed-ez, anyone used these??

  • ron_w_basser2
    North Central, MN
    Posts: 136

    Has anyone used these?

    I got a 4 pack of the Naturevision Weed-ez and tried them out with out success. These are the ones where you add your own weight to the bottom and string to the top.

    Problem is,… how much weight does it take to sink these? I used 2 1oz egg sinkers thinking that would be plenty and couldn’t even get them to go down the hole.

    Let alone I never thought about the little foam piece on the top of them to keep them standing up from the lake bottom. I never did get them down past the foam floaty part made into the top of these.

    If anyone has used these, how much weight did you add?


    Beaver Dam, WI
    Posts: 1

    I’ve seen the Weed-ez in the store, haven’t used them, but thought from a quality stand point they looked unworthy of the money. What I did a couple yrs ago was start hitting the dollar stores/hobby lobby/etc. looking for something similar to lake weeds. My best find was at hobby lobby and got them 2-for-1. Most of what I looked at had rings on each end. I used two of the largest bell sinkers that i could find and attached them at one end with a cable tie. On the top I placed maybe a golf ball sized piece of green styrofoam, again ran a cable tie thru it and attached it to the top ring. They stand upright in the water and sink well. Depending on what kind of material you’re looking for, you can make alot more this way for the money, and enjoy using something you made yourself. (My kids laugh at me when I use them, but its worth it.)

    I think the whole idea of this type of structure is a dandy. I just tend to like to play around with the ideas and make them with what is easier on the pocket.

    Oh, have I had much luck with them? Don’t make it out more than a time or two each winter. Can’t say that they get used enuf for an honest answer.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ron, do yourself a favor. Take them back an pick up some REEL WEEDS.

    In the long run, less hassle, better construction than other knockoffs or even trying to make your own.

    Reel Weeds uses a plastic weed that took them years to develop. It was made for the -20 weather we have. Reel Weeds comes pre assembled, they are ready to fish out of the box.

    Check out the videos in our video forum.

    The REEL thing<<<

    Posts: 3239

    Post deleted by dandorn

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    I put a 3oz sinker on and it slowly sank them to the bottom.


    Posts: 711

    last year i made my own, after chrismas went to wal mart got some fake garland (the wire type) 50 feet for 2 bucks, picked up a pack of decoy wieghts and a spool of decoy string. toltal investment about 10 bucks and i made 5 “fake weeds” the wire garlnd is nice because it can be wound around something when storing.
    now before anybody starts lambasting me remember fish are not that smart, structure is structure.

    North Central, MN
    Posts: 136

    Thanks for the input, I will look into the other brand.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Slack, structure is structure and quality is quality.

    Now that I have a bit more time, I should expand on my short reply above.

    It seems every year when the after Christmas close out start there are a number of enterprising folks that try for the inexpensive route to make Reel Weeds using garland or what not.

    The boys at Reel Weeds say it much better than I can…so I’ll quote them.


    LaDredge Outdoors has spent many years designing and patenting Reel Weeds™, including hundreds of hours of testing to create a product that will withstand extreme winter conditions, improving what was not right, and building the perfect artificial underwater weed for fishermen and fisheries.

    For example, the SOS is composed of Reel Weeds™ that can withstand outside temps far below 0 degrees, has a non visible nylon cord running through the main vine and has 40 feet of custom manufactured cordage that exceeds 100 lb plus test. This cordage is designed specifically for underwater use. On top of everything else the floatation device is ice-free.

    Summary: Although appearance and familiarity to fish is high on the list, quality, safety and durability exceeds everything else. Our product line has been custom designed and manufactured specifically with these factors in mind. It can withstand extreme winter weather conditions and is completely safe in our fisheries. We will cut no corners to provide to you the best possible artificial weed structure.

    Please note: We caution anybody in constructing and/or submerging into our fisheries a homemade structure with products purchased from pet stores, tinsels from craft stores, etc. These products are in no way designed in any way, shape or form for this type of application. Many of these over the counter decorations have everything from wires to color dies that should not be introduced to our fisheries and are simply intended and constructed for heated aquariums, holiday decorations, or other interior household decor.

    For additional information, please read the “Is Reel Weeds legal” FAQ.

    I’ve spoken with a number of folks that made there own at ice shows and on the ice. Everyone of them admitted that after everything was said and done, including the time spent picking up the after Christmas bargains and putting them together.. they had more invested and structure that didn’t last as long as the REEL McCoy.

    This is my third season with my 5 pack…that has been reduced to a 4 pack…I think I borrowed them out to someone and they liked it.

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