Mustang Survival Coats and Suits

  • StaleMackrel
    Posts: 443

    I was wondering if any of you have this gear. It is very expensive but just the best! I have a jacket and now a full coverall suit. It can’t get better than these! Also does Stearns make these suits?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    Never heard of them, did a little research, must be good for NASA and the US Coast Guard to use them Looks like a Canadian company with offices on the East Coast also.

    Mustang Survival

    big G

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    I too, am considering one of these OR the SNO SUIT. Is there a local place that sells the Mustangs?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Mackrel, where did you buy yours?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    Did a dealer search, looks like Sportsmans warehouse, Cabelas and a few marine places in Mpls are dealers also.

    big G

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I have a mustang suit and a bomber jacket. I don’t wear the jacket all that often, but I do like it for duck hunting (it’s a camo model). The suit is one of the best things I’ve ever bought for cold weather fishing. It’s extremely warm and very comfortable. Most people wonder if the suit restricts movement at all, and it definitely does not. I got mine used on ebay, and it’s still going strong after a ton of use.

    The snosuits look great and I’m sure they’re very warm and comfortable … but a snosuit isn’t going to save my life if I fall in.

    Posts: 443

    My jacket and suit were given to me. If you go to google you can find where to buy them and the prices. I believe the suit is also made by Stearns.

    Posts: 26

    I’ve got several of the Stearns “Float Coats”, as well as a Mustang. Stearns does make a suit called the Challenger, great suit but pricey, ($350). Can get ’em through West Marine or Defender Marine Supply.

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