Anybody try one of these yet? I believe they are new and attach to a 1 pound tank. Looks like they might be nice for my 1 man house.
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Little Buddy Heaters??
December 8, 2008 at 2:08 pm #727021
They work fairly good. I use mine in the portable and it keeps it warm. They are easy to get started with the push button ignitor. It’s nice to have that carry handle too. The flame goes out pretty easy though if it gets bumped much.
Hope this helps some.
December 8, 2008 at 2:24 pm #727025Works well i modify mine so the flame dosnt go out. Take a peice of tin foil wrap it around the gaurd up about 2 inches or so helps out a ton. Try it out friday in about 20 to 30 mph breeze it worked great. I see they are on sale at fleet farm for like $59. dollers cheep! I also put a board below so L-P dose not freeze up enjoy.
December 8, 2008 at 2:52 pm #727037I believe Brian is talking about the new “Little Buddy” and not the regular “Buddy” heater. The Little Buddy is kind of like the Black Cat heater that Coleman had for the 1 lb tanks only. The Little Buddy heaters mounts to the 1 lb tank and there is a base to put underneath the tank to keep it from tipping over.
Brian- I have not yet heard of anybody who has used a “Little Buddy”.
Honestly, for the $10 – $15 in price difference, I would just get the Buddy heater and have the extra warmth. Not really that much bigger, as far as space used, and I think they would sit better and not get accidentally kicked over.
Jim~December 8, 2008 at 2:56 pm #727038I’ll be boldly honest. The only guys that claim to like them are the guys that have either done the “tin foil” modification or guys that use them in a hard sided shack.
I used one once when they first came out. I might as well have left it on the lake. It didn’t put out enough heat when it actually ran and if you sneezed in the shack it went out. I’m not a shack fisherman. I use my otter as a base camp. I leave the heater run inside for a warming shack or if I need a rest. I can’t have a heater that needs to be catered to. The heater is supposed to cater to me. I use the heater/cooker. Quite honestly that heater saved my life when I dropped through ice years ago. I made it to the shack and lit it quickly and was able to get warm. I don’t see that happening from a buddy heater. Not that a guy should plan on swimming on an ice trip. I need a brutal heater that can take a beating and put out heat.
December 8, 2008 at 3:22 pm #727047This is the one I’m talking about. I hate my BIG BUDDY heater, thing sucked! I was just wondering since this looks to be a different design. I have a catalytic heater, but it barely gets the job done, and my sunflower takes up too much space in my 1 man.
December 8, 2008 at 3:32 pm #727049Was just looking at those brian. I have a coleman version of one and it barely keeps my one man flip over warm. The mr heater version looks to have about 800 more btus than mine. The coleman has no heat adjustment either. It is either on or off. About the only thing I am happy with about the heater is that it does fit well into a small fish house and is very light. There does not seems to be a lot else out there in small heaters. For $65 to $75 dollars I wonder if a sunflower on a stand and hooked up to a 1# tank may be a better way to go. Space and weight should be pretty close. You would have more heater and better heat adjustment. Im thinking the sunflower may save you a few bucks to.
December 8, 2008 at 5:07 pm #727075I use the MH12C. Unfortunately mine has died after 10 years. Time to replace.
December 8, 2008 at 5:13 pm #727079I have the MH 12, MH12C, and the MH24T.
The one that gets used the most is the MH12C and as many of you know, is very releaible.The MH24T is a MONSTER
Even when I had the Otter Lodge, I could only have 1 of the burners going or else you would burn your lungs from breathing the super heated air
The small one was too tippy for my liking. Maybe tippy isn’t the right word, but it was easily knocked over and usually fell right on something it shouldn’t have, like rods, your pant leg, the shack, the usual stuff
December 8, 2008 at 9:22 pm #727146I happen to love my little buddy. I tow around a clam scout and the low setting more than keeps it warm enough. The trick is to put it on top of a bucket in the corner, this way it is protected from the wind, and you arent wasting fuel trying to keep the bottom 1 1/2 ft of your shack warm. The key to keeping it from getting gummed up is to let the unit burn all of the fuel out of the line before completely shutting off. This year I’m thinking about getting a 5 lb tank and connecting it with a filtered hose.
Posts: 11December 9, 2008 at 5:56 am #727268i have a bigbuddy heater connected to a 20# tank in a 3 person house and boy is it comfy
December 10, 2008 at 7:28 pm #727642My brother and I both run the original buddy heaters in our shacks going on three years now and they work great. Most of the time, they are too warm for my Frabill Trekker. This past weekend was the first time that it wasn’t quite as warm as I would have liked, but it was -5 wind chill and 30 mph winds outside. We were still plenty warm, but we weren’t taking clothes off by any means. I also have a sunflower that I put on top of an 11lb tank for longer days out on the ice. The 1lb tansk are almost $2.75 each around here now. That adds up fast when you have one in the lantern, one in the heater, and one on the grill.
December 11, 2008 at 12:19 pm #727806I was thinking about getting a Big Buddy. Any reviews or comments on that one? I thought I read you can you use them indoors? Is that right?
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