gore-tex boots

  • Bowjunkie
    Posts: 41

    I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to deodorize gore-tex hunting boots. They got really wet and now have an awful stench that will not go away. They stink so bad I can’t use them for deer hunting. Thanks for the help.

    Posts: 3239

    Throw them in the deep freeze in an airtight container
    for a day or two. It will kill the odor causing bacteria.

    Posts: 974

    you could try Nature’s Miracle it worked on my stepsons shoes, and those things made mustard gas seem like perfume
    just spray it on and let it dry.
    you can get it at pet stores its for cleaning up organic stains and odors

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    you could try Nature’s Miracle it worked on my stepsons shoes, and those things made mustard gas seem like perfume
    just spray it on and let it dry.
    you can get it at pet stores its for cleaning up organic stains and odors

    Hey, it worked on hockey bags! They contain the worst smells known to man.

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