About a month ago my 332 started doing something funny. Basically my map is will only show my current position when I am around Hok-SI-La, I have to manually keep moving my cursor to keep ahead of myself while I am trolling. When I get out of range my unit tells me ALARM OFF COURSE. And if you tell the unit to navigate to your current position and then zoom in on yourself, it will automatically zoom you out after like 15 seconds. I have my mapping unit set on Auto to so my screen moves as the boat moves. I notice on the screen it says ACTIVE MAP in small letters in certain locations and I didn’t seem to notice this in the past 2 years I have owned the unit. Last week I was in Grand Rapids and I had to swith regions on the Navionics gold to get the lake I was on. Same Situation, the Map is only on auto for the starting point that it was turned on at. Does anybody know how to get me back on track???