Lowrance update question

  • wheel10
    madison, wi
    Posts: 44

    Going to update my 332c and 3500c for the first time. I have a 32 MB card. From what I’ve read, after I put the update on the card and insert it into my units, they will automatically update themselves. My question is, can I put both updates on the SD card and will my unit know which update to upload? Or must I do one, clear the card and do the other? thanks. mike

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    I would update each one separately. It does not take long to do.


    Matt M
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 169

    I just updated both my Lowrance units for the first time. I am not computer savy at all and it was a piece of cake, very easy instructions to follow!!!! Do one at a time. During the process it will ask you if you want the download erased from disc after update that perticular unit. Make sure it is checked “yes”. It even recommends doing it this way. Then download the update for the second unit onto the disc, which should be empty, and repeat process.


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