Thoughts- Lowrance setup

  • wallgeye
    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    I have been tossing this around inside the melon and wanted to get some thoughts on whether this would be a cool way to save a few bucks.

    I currently have a 332C at the bow, and a 113HD at the helm. With the release of the new broadband sounder from Lowrance and the ability to share sonar data through the ethernet network and the ability to see sonar data using the Globalmap products I got to thinking.

    I am tossing around moving the 113HD to the bow, and adding a 10 or 8 inch screen globalmap unit to the helm location. If I can find the broadband sounder and network expansion port and cabling this will save me oh $300ish on the cost of buying another 113HD outright, cabela’s has the 9300’s on sale right now for $1698 versus $2049 for the 113hd. That would in turn lower my overall costs of adding the broadband sounder.

    At the helm I would be using the transom puck all the time anyway and would have added benefit of having the broadband sounder doing whatever it does. I would also be able to use the broadband sounder up front when wanted.

    I dont know, looking at the base 113 and 9300’s pricing it looks like adding sonar to a 10inch screen is only about $50.

    If anyone has followed my thinking this far what are your thoughts?

    Has anyone used the globalmap products before? It just seemed redundant to buy a sonar unit and the broadband sounder and let the broadband sounder do the fish locating and not actually use the sonar stuff native to the head unit. I could also save some ching in the process.

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