H2o Gps

  • bassing51
    Posts: 20

    I just bought the H2O C with the Lakemasters promaps software how do i get the contour lines on the lakes that don,t have them.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18758

    Your doing something wrong. Keep trying.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    I just bought the H2O C with the Lakemasters promaps software how do i get the contour lines on the lakes that don,t have them.

    Some lakes will not have depth contours available. Only the lakes listed have contours. Lakemaster MN List…

    Posts: 3211


    I just bought the H2O C with the Lakemasters promaps software how do i get the contour lines on the lakes that don,t have them.

    Request a Lake

    Posts: 20

    just found what i was doing wrong, had depth shut off’did’nt realize until checking over everything. Thank You

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    The “request a lake” feature on the web-site is intended to search their list of lakes currently available on the chip, correct?
    If the lake that you are looking for is not listed on the current chip index, then you are out of luck, correct?
    I too have a number of lakes that apparently didn’t make the cut for the 2007 chip index. I would love to able to aquire some of them!

    Posts: 3211


    The “request a lake” feature on the web-site is intended to search their list of lakes currently available on the chip, correct?

    No! It’s a request that LakeMaster survey a lake to add
    to future products.


    If the lake that you are looking for is not listed on the current chip index, then you are out of luck, correct?



    I too have a number of lakes that apparently didn’t make the cut for the 2007 chip index. I would love to able to aquire some of them!

    Use the “Request a Lake” feature. I’m not exactly sure how
    they determine which lakes they will add but I would imagine
    it would be based on frequency of request.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    The guys are right. The “Request A Lake” feature is done by popular demand. If theres a lake you want LakeMaster to survey themselves and throw on chip, then get to it!

    Request A Lake

    Lake Master will continuously add new additions over the years, but with 50,000 lakes in the midwest, where do they start? Just let em know

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