Hey, I was just wondering if anyone on here makes their own lures. I was thinking about making some simple things like jigs and spinnerbaits and I was curious if anyone had any good product recommendations. Is it actually any cheaper than buying them or is it more of just a hobby without much cost benefit? Thanks for any opinions and/or adivice!
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does anyone make their own lures?
March 11, 2008 at 7:46 pm #664382
In the last couple of years, I have been tying some hair jigs and have been taking off the rubber skirts on some spinner/buzz baits and tying some hair on them, mostly for a hobby, but I have come up with a couple of patterns for jigs that have been working (shad,bluegill and leech) and on the spinner/buzz baits have had some sucess on a baby duck and shad pattern.
Nothing better than catching/fooling a fish on something you handcrafted.
March 11, 2008 at 9:19 pm #664415I make my own spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. Got almost all of the parts from Cabelas. They no longer carry the blank head forms but still have the blades, swivels, clevices, beads and skirt material. I now get most of my materials from Ebay, but sooner or later my supply of premade forms will run out. I have seen some of them on Ebay, but may have to check Netcraft or another tackle supply outfit. I also look for clearanced parts. Most of my baits are built for around $1.
March 11, 2008 at 11:12 pm #664447I have made my own jigs for years now , the reason I started is when I found a jig I liked and caught fish with I couldnt find it again,so I bought and old jig maker and started making my own ,but as time goes by I see the big jig companys are making really good looking jigs that really catch fish and find myself making less and less now days.
BfishN has really nice jigs and can be used for plastics and live bait
I mainly just tie my own hair jigs now ,I like to play with color combos and different kinds of hair just to see if I can come up with good producing combonation.
ALL HOBBY thoo, to buy all materials needed to make your own jigs other than for hobby reasons it would cost a fortune,the mold prices have increased by 10-15% in the last year alone and take up ALL your fishing time not to mention health concerns due to the lead smelting.I am giving some strong thought on selling out and just enjoying my fishing time now .
If you are looking for a HOBBY yes it is fun making jigs ,NO better feeling than catching fish on a jig you designed tho.
Posts: 27March 12, 2008 at 1:46 am #664493Catchsumfish,
Since being recently retired and having a long cold winter I have taken up the hobby. Rewarding and somewhat gratifying to turn out jigs that will catch fish. Cost effective, I think not when considering your time and effort.Take a look at this site it provides a wealth of information for newbies & seasoned pro’s alike for making your own equipment. http://www.tackleunderground.com/
Good Luck,
walleyejohnMarch 12, 2008 at 6:22 am #664539Cheri,
Nice looking jigs !!!!I agree with webstj, Stamina has a great component catalog..
JackMarch 16, 2008 at 12:12 am #665745I tried making some of my own crankbaits about 6-7 years ago while i was in High School. They were “ok” but they sure needed some tuning! I did catch some pike in Canada with them, but that isn’t saying much!
This is one i made, i also made several silver/black and one perch color that i can’t seem to find. I’ll post more pics of i come across them.
March 16, 2008 at 6:02 pm #665863I pour my own jigs sometimes and tie some bucktail jigs. I did try carving my own cranks and stuff but getting them to run true is tough or getting the proper wobble. I carved one that just ran straight without wobble once…Took some time to figure out how to get the proper shape.
March 18, 2008 at 3:01 pm #666587I make most of all my own baits. I get the part from Stamina. There Web Site is http://www.staminainc.com They have every thing you need to buld you own lures.
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