Boat Covers

  • monster4pt
    Freeborn county MN
    Posts: 38

    Looking for advice from those who have lots of experience using boat covers. Would you advise to have the outboard motor cover attached to the main cover or seperate? It will be both a storage and travel cover. Any other musts with respect to ordering a custom cover?

    Posts: 4179

    First, I would definitely recommend a cover for the motor(s). The cowling cover on my last motor got pretty dinged up after being towed around, uncovered, for 4 seasons.

    Second, having the motor cover attached in some way to the main cover has advantages. For example, if that cover gets blown off the motor, it’s not going to be left on the roadside.

    I have a cover for my Ranger. Covers for both motors (main and kicker) are separate, but attach to the main cover. This would allow a guy to work on the motor without uncovering the whole back of the boat, but also ensures that the covers won’t get blown down the dusty highway.

    Posts: 1960

    PM sent.

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    Timmy can you send me that PM too. I need a travel cover for the boat.

    Posts: 253

    I purchased 2 covers from Overtons. the first was too short, sold to me by there reps recommendation! and I had to pay shipping back on it. the 2nd one ripped wide open after towing 300miles, and I had to pay shipping back on that also,.. even though it was warrantied! lets hope Gander Mountains purchase of Overtons makes a difference in their customer service!

    Posts: 108

    Send me a PM, I also need a travel cover.


    Posts: 547

    i will take a pm also if you are in the business of boat covers or can reccomend someone

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Little bit of a drive, but Shoremaster Fabric in Fergus Falls makes and excellent custom cover, either snap-on or strap down styles. Let me know if you would like contact info.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Who ever you have make your cover go with the Top Gun Fabric it is by far the best fabric for boat covers

    Erichsen Marine Canvas did mine and he uses the poles to hold up the cover inside the boat. I have had problems with the poles not standing up and that is when you can have problems with the snaps coming off when you are going down the road. There is a place in Rochester “Custom Canvas” that also uses Top Gun Fabric but instead of the poles they use the wooden slats that run across the boat, they sew a sleeve for the slat so they stays in place. If I had it to do over again I would probably go with the slats. Also my cover ends at the splash well (does not cover the motor) you can also run into problems when you cover the motor, they tend to tear if they are attached to the boat cover and they can also wear on the cowling cover.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I really like having my cover not cover the motor but follow the splash well. On dusty dirty roads if the motor and boat cover are totally together it really sucks the dirt inside the boat. I do want a motor cover but I want mine seperate.

    I have the center poles three to be exact and have never had any problem with them tipping over or moving. My cover does not flap in the wind or bulg out going down the road. It is a great fit. Maybe I got lucky and it was made really right.

    Edited to add… Mine is a snap cover and in my opinion it is the only way to go with the new materials Top Gun etc.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    I also have to give a nod to Erichsens. They did a top notch job on my cover. The boat has been towed in the pouring rain with this cover on and the only water thats gotten into the boat is from me taking the cover off.

    The fit and finish is great, I have called to get a few extra snaps that have fallen off (docks) and he sent them in the mail at no cost


    Posts: 108

    I have a question for your guys running tillers. I bought a 1890 Warrior this year sith Splash Guards, do covers go over the splash guards?? Or do they go down to the splash well before the splash guards?

    Posts: 852

    I have a 2090 warrior and my cover goes over my splash guards

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