So, they have a new toy for us to use this year. I just poked around at Cabela’s site, they have the networking box online but out of stock, I cannot seem to locate the broadband sounder thingy.
Just wondering if anyone knows anything about it, like why I should add it to my boat. Besides sharing transducer info to more then one unit off one transducer can anyone explain what exactly it does?? I seem to recall seeing somewhere that the thing is priced around $500, the network box at cabela’s lists at 149 or so. I spend another 700 after requsite cables and such not to mention buying a new unit with the yellow network port so I can properly take advantage of the magic this box performs and what?? That seems like alot of coin to just allow two units to view the sounder readings at the same time.
Dunno, I love new gadgets as much as the next guy, but Lowrance really shook my confidence last year. I got a faulty 113hd that took me till sept to completly rule out anything else on my boat out before it was replaced, now I wont get the boat out on the water till the warranty is gone. It took until August to finally get the networking parts supply to a point where I was able to finally hook everything up completely.
Wondering if these new toys will even be availible and if they are if the associated cabling will be around. Not holding my breath!