Canoe with trolling motor??

  • Jerhadat
    Winona, MN
    Posts: 13

    Has anyone done this or seen it done? I’m looking at getting a boat but may settle for putting something small on a canoe for now. Any Ideas?

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Canoe’s are very unsafe when adding a motor. Duh
    I’ve used one with a side mount and it’s very important to limit the turning radius of the motor to prevent tipping. We used to use a 2hp, but later on we used an electric whenever possible, less power but not as tipsy. I could put the battery in the front for ballast too.
    I think I’m getting to old to sit in a canoe for hours on end, but have some fond memories fishing out of one over the years!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    You can put a trolling motor on just about anything. Heck, when I was a kid my cuz and I built a “boat” out of four barrels and some pallets. We slapped a trolling motor on a 2X4 on the back. Depending on how your canoe is set up, you can use some boards to anchor a trolling motor on one side or the other (I’m assuming a transom mount trolling motor – if a bow mount you’ll have to built a little deck up front but in that case just get a small boat instead). You could secure the motor to a 2X4 running perpendicular to the canoe using strong shock cord, or you could brace a 2X6 to the inside-rear of the canoe and vise it on with the trolling motor clamps. You’re probably best off to save a few pennies and find yourself a nice little 12 or 14 footer for a couple hundred bucks. It’d be much more comfortable for you and your partner for fishing. This fall might be a good time to watch the local newspapers for used boats. Good luck!

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    We used to use a piece of 1 1/2 inch angle iron c clamped across the back behind the seat. It had a 2×6 bolted to it for the motor to mount on. This came in handy when renting a conoe on the border lakes up by the bwca, of course we always asked if it was okay with the rental place that we do this.
    If we were going to portage out into none motorized lakes, we’d just stash the motor in the weeds by the portage.
    Never had any problems.

    You can also purchase a canoe with a square back?

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    Check out River Ridge Custom Canoes in Rochester – do a search on the web – very stable, maneuverable, comfortable, square stern and rigged for fishing. I’ve owned one for 5 years and have fished rivers, streams, small lakes and never tipped.

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Tipping in a canoe is not so much in the design of the canoe as to the balance of the owner.LOL
    I’m at the age and weight where I realize my capablities and canoeing is not conducive to my frame or back anymore.
    There are some very reasonable priced canoes out there though.

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