motor dieseling (sp)

  • ssaall
    Posts: 109

    Mariner 75 hp … runs great but when I turn the key off… it keeps running for a bit…. any suggestions before it goes to the shop?? Thanks

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 201

    First do a real good clean job on the carbs, linkage and all with spray carb cleaner. Next, double check the idle speed setting. Most dieseling comes from a motor idling too fast from bad adjustment, or sticky linkage. If those don’t work, you could try throttling up and slowly putting Sea Foam directly into the carbs. This would help to get rid of any deposits in the cyls that can sometimes lead to dieseling. Unless you are really mechanically inclined, that is about all you can do yourself.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3542

    Yep what Basinfun said, most deiseling comes from too much fuel or hot spots in the cylinders, carbon build up too hot a plug etc

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