I bought a new fish hawk this year with a 4 stroke EFI Merc (60 hp Outboard). I only used the boat this season enough to break in the motor, and was never kept in the water when not in use. Yesterday when changing the gear oil for the first time the gear oil came out a very milky, carmely color (obvious water) The plugs seemed tight when removing them, so I am not suspecting them. The volume of oil that came out was about an OZ more than the specified capacity. Whats the likely source of the water incoming? Is there potential for damage during this summer’s use? I did not notice any metalic shavings or anything as such. I have not talked to the dealer yet, but what do I need to make sure they address when its “fixed”. I want to make sure its done right, and if anything could have been compromised as a result of water in the oil all summer, i.e. corrosion, bearing damage… etc. Any info would be helpful, as I am not an outboard mechanic.

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