Water in gear oil of new Merc. outboard.

  • somann
    Posts: 16

    I bought a new fish hawk this year with a 4 stroke EFI Merc (60 hp Outboard). I only used the boat this season enough to break in the motor, and was never kept in the water when not in use. Yesterday when changing the gear oil for the first time the gear oil came out a very milky, carmely color (obvious water) The plugs seemed tight when removing them, so I am not suspecting them. The volume of oil that came out was about an OZ more than the specified capacity. Whats the likely source of the water incoming? Is there potential for damage during this summer’s use? I did not notice any metalic shavings or anything as such. I have not talked to the dealer yet, but what do I need to make sure they address when its “fixed”. I want to make sure its done right, and if anything could have been compromised as a result of water in the oil all summer, i.e. corrosion, bearing damage… etc. Any info would be helpful, as I am not an outboard mechanic.

    Posts: 16

    Picture of the gear oil

    Posts: 1573

    Take it in and they will do a pressure test on it.More than likely a seal.Did you get any line stuck in the prop?Could have been bad from the start to.Alos if you ever change the lower unit lube spend the extra buck and replace the washers on the plugs.I have seen old ones leak.

    Posts: 16

    Have not had any line in the prop, I’m aware that can take out a seal. Any long term damage I need to worry about ?

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    As Castaway stated, take it in and have them test it. It may be a seal. It may only be condensation.

    Posts: 1573

    I doubt if you damaged anything.A little water makes oil look pretty bad.I would show the dealer the pic though.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Have you physically removed the prop to look? You may not have caught your own lne.. but its not uncommon to pick up fishing line in the water.. some bonehead is always throwing some in somewhere, lines lost to snags, etc. I have pulled line off my prop shaft many times in the last few years, and I havent caught one of my own lines in what seems like an eternity.

    I doubt you did any damage, but its something you want to look into. The 1st thing I would do is pull the prop and look, it only takes a minute.

    Posts: 16

    Have not removed the prop, but I should do that to check for line before I take it into the dealer.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    Happened on my Merc 40 EFI last year. Dealer found it to be the drain plug. Easy fix.

    Posts: 184

    You got some good advice about testing.I don’t know if there is anything wrong with the oil though.A single OZ could be explained in a number of ways from too much when prepped to a slight amount of condensation.If there is water pooling up in the drain pan that’s one thing,but discoloration (especially on break in) wouldn’t get me too upset.Would you let us know what you find out? please?

    Posts: 184

    As to “damage” or excessive wear,you’re fine.It takes a dry gearcase or almost all water to damage them in a hurry.(especially if that water freezes…owwiieee).Bein that your under warranty,I’d enquire but don’t get all shook up yet.

    my 2 pennies.

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