Fuel Line Issues

  • david_scott
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Is anyone else having issues with their outbord fuel lines in the last couple years?

    I am finding myself forced to replace my fuel lines evry year. Sometimes I buy good ones, other times Wal Mart specials.. It doesnt make a differance, they all get hard and have issues after about 8 months of use!

    I use Non-Oxy gas 95% of the time, sometimes I have no choice but to get the ethanol treated gas. Any gas I put in is always used up within a couple weeks.

    Once again, yesterday while on the river, my outboard sounded funny for a second, then it stalled. I looked in surprise/confusion at the motor, did the most obvious thing and squeezed the fuel ball and it was soft. One squeeze later I had gas shooting out of the fuel line next to the fitting that connects to the motor(crack in the line). When cut the line and tried to remove the fitting, the line was so hard I had to cut the hose to get it off. The fuel line where I made the cut was so stiff I had to stretch it out with a tool to make room to attatch the fitting.

    Anybody have any suggestons to where a person could aquire a high quality fuel line? I never used to have this problem.. recent years is a different story. I might check in at Napa and pick up some higher quality line and make one that will hopefully last.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Yep, go to NAPA and get “real” fuel line.

    Cannon Falls, MN
    Posts: 534

    Nope,…the Yamaha fuel lines haven’t been a problem,…they are 5 yrs old. Not sure if I’m running on borrowed time or that there lones are better. What brand motor do you have?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Get the grey (soft/flexible) fuel line available at most boat dealers. Sold by the foot. Sounds like you are using the cheap black plastic line.


    Alma, Wi
    Posts: 68


    Go to Napa and request fuel and oil resistant fuel line.
    3/8 diameter. Problem solved. Might want to check the fuel
    filter in your outboard. Cheap fuel line will actually get soft and rub of and get caught in the fuel filter. It will
    be like a black sludge.

    Good luck,


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    Get the grey (soft/flexible) fuel line available at most boat dealers. Sold by the foot. Sounds like you are using the cheap black plastic line.


    I have the grey line. It is nice and flexable when its new.

    The Yamaha guy.. my last fuel line started as a Yamaha fuel line, the it was converted after that motor walked out of my old garage.

    Im running a Merc now, my filter is clean.. motor brand makes no difference in the fuel line situation.

    I guess my greatest fear is one of these lines decomposing from the inside and screwing things up. Its a burden to replace a fuel line, its a pain to rip off a couple carbs and clean them out when filled with decmposed rubber residue.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Odd problem…Maybe Brian has the right idea but I have never had any problems the newer fuel lines…I remember having to replace the rubber on my 57 10hp Johnson quite frequently but not with the newer stuff.
    Since this subject came up I might as well ask my question about fuel lines…
    I seem to have trouble with the connectors on my 50 Johnson…They are always getting loose on me..IE: the connector wobbles..causing air leaks.
    2 news hose-kits (like Dave – 1 good …1 Farm and Fleet)and by the end of the summer they need replacement-both tank and motor.
    Could the Male ends be causing problems?
    Or should I buy factory connectors?

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    You might want to just replace the O rings in the fuel line connecters instead of the whole line. Use an awl or other sharp tool to pull out the o-rings then take them to an auto parts store for replacements.

    Might want to check the upper metal clip that holds the fuel line on to the motor and tank. Might need to bend these a bit to tighten up the connection.

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