Hunting Boots

  • Fife
    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    I have a birthday coming up and a new pair of hunting boots is tops on the list. The old Rockys made it 8 years, but the seams finally tore out. I need some advice on what boots to buy. I need something I can wear from grouse hunting in September thru late pheasant season in January. Maybe out in the boat in the spring too. These boots would be mainly for walking, so they don’t have to be super insulated. I was looking at some Danner Pronghorns last year, but decided I could make it one more year.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    I would go with last years sleection. I could not make one boot work for all appliactions so I got 2. Danner Pronghorn Non Insulated and 1000 grams.

    If, I’m walking all day The Non Insulated ones worked fine, even in the cold (with good socks). But, if you stop and sit around for awhile, they get cold and that is where I switch and use the 1000 gram.

    For me, the Danner Pronghorns have great support, comfort and never needed breaking in. This Fall Stacie will be getting her 2nd Pair.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Danner Boots.

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160

    I got the Danner Santiam’s last year. Expensive – yes. Worth it – ABSOLUTELY.

    My brother in law is in the Marine Corp. He had a pair of Danners that he wore for 3 years, almost every day. He finally wore the soles off them, but the rest of the boot was still going strong. He swears by Danners, and with that type of first hand field testing, he’s got me convinced.

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    i have a pair of danner pronghorns with 400 grams. i love them, not to hot but work great on cold wet days. i have even worn them ice fishing in the spring. my girlfriend bought them as a gift. i was quite impressed.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I got 10 years out of my first pair……worn the rubber smooth on the bottom. Still have them for “beater boots”.

    I got the 2nd pair 2 years ago and still feel like a brand new pair.

    After having these, I’ll never go back to anything else.

    7″ uninsulated

    12′ 600 gram insulated

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Most of those Danners with worn out soles can be re-soled.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 478

    Those Danners are good boots, but then so are the Cabelas Guide series. I have had mine in Alaska, Colorado, Montanna, Idaho, Uhta and more and they keep going.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    I own three pairs

    Northern MN
    Posts: 323

    Another vote for the Pronghorns.

    Posts: 88

    No Red Wing fans out here? I’ve never owned a pair of Danners but my Red Wing/Irish Setters have lasted and lasted.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I own a pair of Danner Pronghorns with 400 grams, and a pair of Irish Setters with 1000 grams. I have circulation problems in my feet due to multiple knee surgeries on each knee so my feet get cold easy. I wear the Danners when it is above 40 or if I am going to walk for most of the time. I wear the Irish Setters in the boat in spring and fall and warm ice fishing. I also wear them sitting in a tree stand if it is above 20. I can’t say that one is better than the other in construction or comfort. I think they are pretty equal. If I recall, the price was pretty similar, but the Danner’s might have been a few bucks more. IMO, either brand would be a good choice.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    Those Danners are good boots, but then so are the Cabelas Guide series. I have had mine in Alaska, Colorado, Montanna, Idaho, Uhta and more and they keep going.

    Many of the Guide Series boots are(or at least were) made by Danner.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    Thanks for the input! I put in my birthday request for the Pronghorn 400s, so hopefully someone was listening.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    Thanks for the input! I put in my birthday request for the Pronghorn 400s, so hopefully someone was listening.

    Too you

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    Hey Ron, I guess my mom was listening.

    Does anyone have a problem with the front leather wearing out? I talked to someone at Cabela’s and he suggested getting a toe guard to make the boots last longer.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    Another pair of Rockys or Danners. Look what your Rocky’s did for you. Why not stick with that brand??

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    Does anyone have a problem with the front leather wearing out? I talked to someone at Cabela’s and he suggested getting a toe guard to make the boots last longer.

    Use a good conditioner and you will be just fine, not once have I ever wore out the toes of any hunting boots. One other thing, in the manual it states to keep your boots away from fire. They mean it, something with their bonding process between the leather and the sole. It will separate almost immediately, I did it once so I know
    Great to hear that you got what you wanted
    Now get out and get them ready for some serious walking.

    Posts: 1957

    Bought a pair of the cabelas pinnacle 400g last week, felt comfy at the store. Pheasant hunt this weekend, had to be the most uncomfortable boot I’ve ever worn!! Not to mention the right boot “clicked” with every step. Hit cabelas tonight to return them, spent 2 hours trying on every 400g boot in the store, walked around, cotton sock, woolly, put them all through the once over. After having read this thread I of course tried the Pronghorn’s on, back and forth between boots, kept going back to the pronghorns. The only problem…I wear a 13 EE, the 2 pair they had left, the left boot was a hair tighter than the right on both pair, the only boots that had that feel, seeing how my right foot is bigger, it really didn’t add up. The 13 D’s were the same size, not the EE’s?? In fact the 13D left boot was wider than both the 13ee’s. After telling the wife, “No, 14’s will be to big!” several times, I reluctantly tried a pair on, of course they fit like a glove. I’ll wear them through pheasant and deer season and give honest feedback at that time, from the sounds of it, it should be positive.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Bird Dog, I was going to buy that same boot. Felt comfy in the store, but felt like it had no support. I tried the Danner Pronghorn on and it felt like a glove. From the first day in the store until now it still feels the same and my feet feel great no matter how wet it is out, cold it is, or how far I walk in a day.

    Danner Pronghorn all the way for this CAT!

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