Bought a pair of the cabelas pinnacle 400g last week, felt comfy at the store. Pheasant hunt this weekend, had to be the most uncomfortable boot I’ve ever worn!! Not to mention the right boot “clicked” with every step. Hit cabelas tonight to return them, spent 2 hours trying on every 400g boot in the store, walked around, cotton sock, woolly, put them all through the once over. After having read this thread I of course tried the Pronghorn’s on, back and forth between boots, kept going back to the pronghorns. The only problem…I wear a 13 EE, the 2 pair they had left, the left boot was a hair tighter than the right on both pair, the only boots that had that feel, seeing how my right foot is bigger, it really didn’t add up. The 13 D’s were the same size, not the EE’s?? In fact the 13D left boot was wider than both the 13ee’s. After telling the wife, “No, 14’s will be to big!” several times, I reluctantly tried a pair on, of course they fit like a glove.
I’ll wear them through pheasant and deer season and give honest feedback at that time, from the sounds of it, it should be positive.