trolling motor..opinions

  • luer
    Posts: 184

    I’m in the process of educating myself on trolling motors.I have a 14′ aluminum boat with 25hp tiller.I want the bow mount,and decided that the auto pilot sounds good.I fish the rivers a fair amount,so current becomes an issue.
    Have some of you used both 12v and 24v motors?Is the run time on the 24v system worth the $$ for a boat like mine?Is the auto pilot worth the $$? I look forward to your feedback!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Personally I think a 12 V system is more practical for a smaller boat..I have a 12 ft aluminum with a 9.8 hp motor, and a 44 lb maxxum trolling motor on the front. My motor is 12 V and I have no problems manuevering my boat all day without running the battery out. (this battery is a few years old and was once used as a cranking battery on my dad’s boat) 44 lb thrust may seem pretty big for a boat like mine, but it’s great because I can keep it on 50 all day and never run out of juice. Another reason not to go w/ 24 volt is because with a smaller motor and smaller boat, you have to start to consider the extra weight. That extra battery might make the difference of a couple mph in your speed. I’m not sure how important that is to you, but it is very important to me.
    Overall I think you would be happiest with a 12 volt, minnkota maxxum. I have tried power drives, and although I have not used an autopilot, I strongly feel that maxxums are much easier to operate, and the cable driven foot pedal seems to conserve your battery power much better than the electric foot pedal of the power drive. This coming from some one who ran a 42 power drive on the same battery I run my 44 maxxum on, and the power drive ran out of juice probably 4 times faster.

    hope this helps

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    a 12 vlt system would be ideal for your set up. as for the auto pilot i think they dont work worth a crap. i have a brand new 70 lbs. power drive v2, 24 vlt on a 18 foot ranger. i fish the river 99%, with the current and wind it wont hold any bearing what so ever.the extra hundred bucks isnt worth it. thats just my opinion, some people im sure like it. it would probally work better on just doesnt react fast enough for me.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Bottom line, the biggest you can afford, Never heard anyone complain they had too big of a Trolling motor, so IMHO yes the 24v is worth the money, especially in the river where you really want all you can get. I’ll agree a 12v is more then enough on the lakes, depending on current it can be just enough. You can always turn it down, but you can’t turn any trolling motor past 100%.

    Autopilot is nice I love it, honestly is the river it’s helpful, but hardly hands free, all it really does is track a compass heading, so if current or something pushes you sideways against the heading your boat will move and the autopilot will not correct for that, since it’s still holding it’s compass heading. IN the river I find it buys me more time before I have to help correct it back on course. In the lakes, only every once in awhile do I have to correct it, depends a little on wind and how exact I want to hold a spot.

    Posts: 184

    Cade and JD thanx for the responses!There is nothing like “talking” to real poeple for honest answers.
    I see a pattern developing here.Two votes for the 12 V on a boat my size,I’ll take that to heart.
    I was a little disappointed on the feedback for the auto pilot,but that’s why I asked.The sales literature would have you believe all I have to do is show up,the AP would do the rest….
    Could I expect to troll cranks at 1 to say 3 mph with an electric?..The maxum (sp ?),giving longer run time?

    Posts: 184

    I’m laughin…and have to agree,no complaints from too large a motor!

    In your assesment,V2 or maxxum for longer run time?

    You also clarified a fog I had in my mind about auto pilot.It won’t follow a straight line,but a heading which can be effected by current,wind etc…..

    thanx for the response.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well you can’t get autopilot on a maxxum, though I have nothing against the maxxum (for say, I’ll never own another by choice), I like the powerdrive for the option to add co-pilot remote steering too, versus the cable drive on the maxxum, I don’t think you can go wrong with either motor, just personal preference. Battery wise, I’m sure they are close enough to not be able to tell a difference.

    Auto pilot wise is all depends on how on the spot you want to stay too, I’m kind of a control freak, if I’m on a spot, Jigging, I want to be able to stay verticle and exactly on the spot, so I’ll correct the autopilot a bunch, if I was cruising shore tossing jigs, I wouldn’t be so concerned about correcting it so often. IMHO boat control is one of the most over looked techniques that seperates the good from the best. (not to say I’m either of the two )

    Posts: 184

    I can’t lie,the co pilot looks SLICK !! I know me though,and the chance of hanging onto that remote control are so so at best.
    If run time is equal or nearly so,I agree that the cableless or even wireless control is apealing.
    I’m leanin toward V2,not sure on the auto pilot,but would go co pilot if V2.I’m thinkin 12v unless someone really has a reason not too.
    This thread and all who responded were great..thanx

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well I like that you can add a co-pilot at anytime, you don’t have to buy it from the start like the autopilot, Personally I could live without the co-pilot, (I didn’t buy one for a couple months after I got my trolling motor) SO you got time to decide on that one.

    Oh and the remotes do float.

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    i should clarify my response to the auto pilot. i was sold too on how it said hands free fishing.i do use it but you still have to make adjustments to stay on course. trollling on wing dams can be tricky, going down a shore pitching jigs , it can be nice. i have used it on lakes and it worked pretty slick. like i said i mainly fish the river and you never know what conditions you will find yourselve in.for the money in my opinion its not worth the guy said before control is the most important thing a fisherman has to find what works for you and get good at it.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    I have a 12 volt, 55 # thrust Minkota on a 16 foot Lund. It has Autopilot and I think I’ve used it maybe two or three times in the last two years. It does use up more power so you get less battery life. It probably has a lot to do with how I use it. I move into position and then shut it off. Cast-cast-cast, then use the trolling motor to bump the boat a few feet into the next spot. Obviously I’m talking about lake fishing here. On the river It isn’t fast enough or aggresive enough to keep me in position. I can do a better job manually. So when the time comes to replace this trolling motor (hopefully a long, long time from now) I won’t spend the extra money.


    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    I have 12 Volt auto pilots on both ends of my 1660 pro V and as you have read many times already,they are not fool proof. Yes they will hold a compass heading and yes they require you to re-position in accordance to wind, current, even waves on the river. But I have no problems running them for a full day (8 hours) not at full power yet with enough juice to make my boat respond in most conditions. Would I spend the extra money on more auto pilots, probably not because they doen’t exactly work as they are marketed, totally hands free once you set your course, but in the several years that I have owned them, they have been dependable and still work, that’s a statement in itself

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    Cade and JD thanx for the responses!There is nothing like “talking” to real poeple for honest answers.
    I see a pattern developing here.Two votes for the 12 V on a boat my size,I’ll take that to heart.
    I was a little disappointed on the feedback for the auto pilot,but that’s why I asked.The sales literature would have you believe all I have to do is show up,the AP would do the rest….
    Could I expect to troll cranks at 1 to say 3 mph with an electric?..The maxum (sp ?),giving longer run time?

    I would suggest a 12V system fo a 14′ boat also. If you plan on trolling cranks at 3 mph, you better lean towards the 50# class motors if you want any run time at all. A 24V system would allow much longer running at higher speeds, but it adds a lot of weight to a small boat and you really lose performance. Just about respectable trolling motor will give you good/great run time at 1-2 mph.

    Theres lots of bells and whistles out there for trolling motors. If this is a bow mount, and you want the co-pilot option, be sure to buy accordingly. If you want to fight with an autopilot and have it grow a mind of its own on occasion… more power to you I guess. I guess I am old fashioned, I like to have constant control of the motor.

    Choose wisely, thats all I can really say. If this is an exceptionally deep/wide 14′ boat that has a ton of power, you likely wouldnt be dissapointed with a 24V system in overall boat performance. If you are looking to max out the power and run time with a 12V system, the 55# motors perform well. You can always tae a 2nd battery aong, or run 2 in paralell for better run time when needed, but will have the option not to carry the extra weight when not desired to maintain good boat performance.

    Posts: 184

    “If you are looking to max out the power and run time with a 12V system, the 55# motors perform well. You can always tae a 2nd battery aong, or run 2 in paralell for better run time when needed,”

    I like this!!!
    My boat is a light, modified “V” tunnel hull.Part of the reason I want a bow mount is for weight distribution.The unit and battery(or two )will be as far forward as I can get them.
    To all the posters,I’ve learned more here than hours of literature and surfing could do.Lesson learned,come here first.
    Now I’m really getting close:12V,55#,co pilot is more regarded than auto pilot!(an open mind pays)…however,co pilot can be added,not so for auto pilot…..hmmmmmm,only one decision left!!!

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    If you are leaning twards a 12 volt with 2 batteries you may as well get a 24 volt. I ran a 12 volt for years and always ran 2 batteries for longer run time, went to a 24 volt and double the thrust and can run longer on the 24. As said befor get the biggest you can afford. and don’t skimp on batteries.

    1 other point to ponder is with the Powerdrive, Terrova, V2 you can move the pedle any place you desire in the boat the Maxum you have to be sitting up front to run it and it will not stay locked in on a path without minor corrections at all times.

    Posts: 184

    “1 other point to ponder is with the Powerdrive, Terrova, V2 you can move the pedle any place you desire in the boat the Maxum you have to be sitting up front to run it and it will not stay locked in on a path without minor corrections at all times. “

    Good point,by the time I actually write the check I will have many hours of experience involved in this…I’m diggin it too !!

    Metro MN
    Posts: 69

    I used a 55# autopilot on my old 14ft. basic aluminum fishing boat and could run all day on one battery. On my heavy 17.5ft Pro-V, I had to move to a 24-volt system to get both power and running time. The 12-volt 55# would only last about 3 hours on the heavier boat. You will love the autopilot no matter which you choose. I’m a big fan of the co-pilot too.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Bottom line, the biggest you can afford, Never heard anyone complain they had too big of a Trolling motor, so IMHO yes the 24v is worth the money, especially in the river where you really want all you can get. I’ll agree a 12v is more then enough on the lakes, depending on current it can be just enough. You can always turn it down, but you can’t turn any trolling motor past 100%.

    Autopilot is nice I love it, honestly is the river it’s helpful, but hardly hands free, all it really does is track a compass heading, so if current or something pushes you sideways against the heading your boat will move and the autopilot will not correct for that, since it’s still holding it’s compass heading. IN the river I find it buys me more time before I have to help correct it back on course. In the lakes, only every once in awhile do I have to correct it, depends a little on wind and how exact I want to hold a spot.

    I agree with Nick. You won’t be sorry if you get a 24v unit. It’ll give you more power and longer running time. Normally, you wouldn’t need a 24v for a 14-footer. But, if you plan to run the river a lot, and you don’t want to worry about running out of battery, you should go with a 24v motor.

    On the AP, I like it, a lot. It’s not perfect but it sure does help. I’ll give you a recent example. I’m on Mille Lacs casting a reef and the wind in making it very difficult to stay on the spot. I’m working the trolling motor hard to keep from getting pushed off the spot. After getting frustrated with that, I simply pointed the boat into the wind and hit the AP button. I set the speed so it would just hold the boat in the wind. Now the motor’s doing the work and I’m fishing! There are many other situations where the AP is helpful, but that’s one example.

    There is no perfect motor, but I would opt to have more features available rather than regret that I didn’t have them.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939

    24 volts, auto pilot, then add the co pilot if you’d like. Great set up, and if you don’t like it, someone would be sure to buy it.

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