Lowrance Depth Readings???

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    It seems that when I get shallower tehn 7-8 feet, my tranducer/unit has problems reading the depth and most of the time sits and blinks like it is not getting a reading???? Not sure why???? It just started doing this. I checked for weed/debris on transducer and it was clear. Any ideas?????

    When I’m deeper than 7-8 feet, the depth stays locked in pretty much the whole time?????

    Is it doing this as revenge because I fished for Bass 2 x in a row????

    Posts: 3239

    Hey Rob,

    My 520c does the same damn thing!! Its only a problem
    when in thick weeds! Loses the bottom signal for a
    second and then it takes awhile to get it back.
    I haven’t messed with the sensitivity too much as I leave
    it on auto most of the time.
    I was wondering if it was just my transducer but it does
    it on both units, universal sonar and 200khz transducer.
    Hopefully someone knows the fix.


    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Not sure what kind of finder you have… but I have issues with my X135… and I know it is an issue with the auto-sensitivity. I find quite often that the auto-sensitivity cranks up to 75%+ all the time. When this happens in shallow water… it can’t seem to find the difference between bottom and an air bubble 6 inches below the ducer. Anyway, try taking off the auto-sensitivity and then lower it manually to 50% or lower. See how that works.

    If that doesn’t work… I suggest giving up Bass Fishing… that is just bad mojo!!!!

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    I would almost bet it has to do with sensitivity.In the dirty water we have out west I can’t get any transducer to work well in shallow water in the summer.The lowrance is still the best.Some times it seems if there is alot of algea or other growth it gets worse.Try to lower sensitivity and try it.Also I have a hard time in real shallow water with some of the “deep water “models seems like the power just messes with it in shallow water.

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    I had the same deal. I turned off the auto sensitivity and manually adjusted and got it to work better.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    For starters do a Soft reset and don’t update the software.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 178

    My 110 does the same thing . Just sent the unit to Lowrance today. The Tech at Lowrance said to reduce the sensitivity and do a soft reset. I tried both but didn’t have any success. The Tech @ Lowrance figured a quick test in the tank and I should have my baby back before the 1st weekend in August. If anyone follows and sends their unit to Lowrance, remember to download your waypoints, etc… Last time I sent my unit in, they sent me a new one with out my secret spots

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    Why would you need a depth finder for Bass fishing? If I can’t find bottom with the tip of my fish pole then I know I’m too deep

    I second the notion that it’s a problem with auto sensitivity. My X65 will do the same thing in shallow water and thick weeds. Manually adjusting the sensitivity will solve the problem.

    I don’t know what’s funnier Lipper….you fishing for Bass or me fishing for Walleyes. I guess it’s me fishing for Walleyes. You seem to be catching Bass


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I played around with Sensitivity and did not make much difference??? I run manual sensitivity. I have never had this problem before??? However, this is the 1st time I have been on the lake when it has been weedy with this unit/boat. it is good to know it is not only me.

    If anyone figures someting out let me know. Kind a crappy not having depth on a lake you are nto familiar with, just because there are weeds? My old Lowrance units never had a problem.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Rob, Try a soft reset, disconnect and reconnect your ducer cable at the unit, and then adjust your sensitivity. Be sure to de-select auto sensitivity.

    If that doesn’t work, you may have a ducer gone bad. We could check that with a second ducer. LMK what you find.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    How do you do a soft reset?

    Mine does the same thing when I’m in weeds.

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    i have 110 and 25 my problem is i lose bottem in 32ft of water. differant tranducers still same problem. both have 1.7 update. you guys seen this problem before?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Soft reset (does not delete GPS data) – Turn off unit, press & hold PAGES button, press & hold POWER button.

    Hard reset (WARNING! deletes stored GPS data such as trails and waypoints) – Turn off unit, press & hold ZIN & ZOUT together, press & hold POWER button.

    Posts: 1036

    I would say it’s a transducer since you did not have this problem before…

    I have gone through 1 head unit, 2 pucks and 5 transducers this year and I had this boat in the water only 26 days this year. (I am running 113’s with the LCG3K pucks/network)

    Disappointing to say the least…

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks for the replys guys!

    I’m running a 111HD. I will see how it goes this weekend!

    SHughes, where do you have those Transducers mounted??????

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    i have ranger 620t. 1 transducer is mounted trough hull from factory. the second one i mounted on transom and the third one is auniversal transducer in the bow mount minnokta

    4 BUCK
    South Dakota
    Posts: 192

    Lowrance has problems with the 1.7 version. You will need to get the 1.4 or 1.6 until Lowrance can fix the problem. I have the 1.4 on my LCX-27 and have no problems.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    I have a LCX 15MT that was doing the same type of thing after I had updated to the latest firmware. I reinstalled the second latest update and it’s working perfectly again.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Similar problems here, at the dock my unit showed 60ft of depth in 2ft of water for a while, restarted unit several times, unplugged and replugged sonar cable a couple times and it started working….. for a while.

    Though shallows and weeds seem to make it worse, my 113HD goes bonkers in all depths for a while. I had a laptop hooked up to it and thought that could be part of it and disconnected serial cable, no change. Seems to be sonar only on my unit, I hear while sitting on hold with Lowrance that they have pre-recorded tips for fixing something with the GPS.

    My 332C was rock solid, this 113HD has been trouble from opening day. I would still like to have the chance to network these two units before the ice sets in if I can get my hands on some dang parts to do it. My 332C seems less smooth since I installed the software update dated sometime in January. Cant believe it takes so long to tweak the software and get some fixes out.

    I read someone has burned through several ‘ducers this year already??? Wonder if the units are burning them up??

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    Thanks for the help from everyone. What I’m going to do e-mail for the older software. I hope it does the trick. I will hopefully be going up to the pond the first sat in aug. I’ll let you know if it works or there could be some lowrance units at the bottom of the lake.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Hmmm pretty much sold on the idea it’s the software, my 337 used to preform flawless, I noticed the last couple days that the readings we poor at best in shallower water with weeds, never had the problem before, my 111 which doesn’t have the “update” didn’t have any problems.

    That being said mine was not as as bad as the 113 of wallgeye’s…

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Update and am hopefull that I can see the end of this.

    Had a long talk with someone at Lowrance yestarday. (I really need to get names when I call in) I had replaced the transducer cable as suggested by Lowrance. (guy from Lowrance sorta ripped on message boards in general btw)
    Turned unit on, same exact thing. Depth reading 60ft in the garage and blinking, temp works though. Dunked ‘ducer in a bucket of water, temp dropped, depth kept blinking. Moved 113 to bow, hooked it up to bow mount puck, same thing. Hooked up 332C to both locations, and it worked like a charm showing 8ft (I know bogus) but would change in response to my moving in the boat on the trailer also.

    Called Cabels’a with the faint hope that I could return to Rogers or Owatana the unit and exchance it. (bought it in March) Almost had it then we got a product specialist on the line who called Lowrance. Here’s where it gets interesting.

    Lowrance told Cabela’s guy that a patch for the 113 is in the works and almost complete. That they have know about issues with sonar since launch. I’m kinda pissed now, one that they knew about it for so long, and two, that the guy I talked to yestarday for over an hour told me flat out that the 113 has been fairly trouble free, the issues have been with the 7inch screen models. (whatever those are)

    Granted, I was told this by the Cabela’s product specialist and did not hear the conversation with Lowrance. I know that a patch has been in beta testing for weeks now I am S.O.L until Lowrance ships me a chip with the update on it I guess. Supposedly as soon as it is ok’d for release I will get a SD chip in the mail.

    It was really starting to seem like a connection was bad inside the unit where that sonar plug connects, dunno if one pin is for the temp sensor and others are for the sonar. I just hope this patch fixes it. August now and been fighting everything to do with anything labeled Lowrance on my boat since April.

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    I called lowrance couple days ago with my sonar problem. Italked to Crystal and she told me that there is a software problem with my 110 and 25 for losing bottom. She gave me the impression that there field men just realized this, sounded like the problem was caused from the last update. I guess they solved the problem with shallow waterdepth and caused the deep water problem. She said the updates should be out in a couple weeks and would be able to download from the computer. I hpe this info helps a little. stevehughes

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    No doubt in my mind it’s the 1.7 software. My LCX-25C Lowrance worked perfect until I updated the software. No more depth readings in weeds as it processes errors trying to read the real depth. This has been a problem for months….

    Lowrance knows the problems exists, but continues to tell people the transducers need to be moved or replaced. Download 1.6 or another older version and your back in business.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    I feel for all of you with the ver 1.7 software problems. My 113HD still is running the ver 1.3 that it shipped with and still no updates to it. I really did not think the software would change from unit to unit. Thought the “guts” would be the same except for the screen size. Looking at these things as small computers that all do basically the same thing I cant figure out where the software would have to behave differantly from unit to unit.

    I really hope they go live with the patch for my unit soon. Thing is about useless at the moment. I am gonna try some dielectric grease at the connections I guess. I do remove the units from the mounts when traveling though and while its in the garage. Would think everything would get a chance to dry out between outings.

    Posts: 1036

    Was anyone able to have version 1.6 sent to them via email or on a chip? I would like to try that before replacing another transducer…

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    What is sad is we spend our hard earned money on the electronics and do the software updates to improve the units. Then we get software that is defective and here we sit having problems and can barely use the unit. What I would like lowrance to do is have the old updates on file to download or be able to delete the the new software and have the previous software take effect. Sounds like a million dollar idea to me. steve hughes

    Posts: 7

    Just to let eveyone know, Lowrance did email me version 1.6 to get back until they come out with 1.8 later this month. There is a definite problem with 1.7 and they know it.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks for the update

    SOmeone post it here when they see it’s out to help everyone else out!

    Posts: 32

    I’m using a Beta Version (1.85) for the LCX27 and LCX111. Shallow water seems to be better, but you must turn down the sensitivity and lower your ping speed while over thick dense weeds(i normally run it at 100 – turn it down to 50). I’ve had this since mid July and it still isn’t as good as the older version – which came in standard on the 110’s. They tell what is happening is signal is pushing to much/many sound waves in the water creating a large signal relapse and confusing the machine when over these types of conditions. It has nothing to do with hardware….all software related, growing pains when getting bought by another company and trying to converge two different company’s software into one…..Just waiting to get the final software and hopefully it will resolve this issue. Otherwise, just stay clear of weeds???? sure……..

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