Depth Finder Suggestions

  • dball
    Clemson, SC
    Posts: 53

    My father has a 16′ Lund Pro angler Deep V that he fishes. He primarily targets walley, crappie, & bass. Recently, the transducer on his Eagle depth finder went out. Anyone have any suggestions on a replacement? Garmin 160, Lowrance????

    bagley wi.
    Posts: 609


    farmington, mn
    Posts: 54

    i have a new eagle fishmark 320, and love it. has same menus and features as lowrance, a little bit less power, but half the price. 140.00 at cabelas. reads very acuratly and clearly down to 90 feet (deepest ive had it)

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Here’s my 2 cents. I went slightly shorter than the middle of the road with a Lawrance X47. It works great for depth, temp, and structure. However, when I upgrade (soon) I need to spend the extra money to get an actual fish finder vrs. a depth finder. Of course this one marks fish but I don’t trust it at all. With the amount of fish that this one shows down there, I don’t think there would be enough oxygen in the lake for all of these things to survive. And…. I drop the UW camera down there, it looks like the bottom of a pool but you guessed it!! Locater is showing fish everywhere..

    It depends on what you want I guess.. You can find a cheap depth finder that is accurate or you can spend more and get something that’s puts out accurate readings when it comes to locating fish.

    Posts: 268

    depends on how much he is looking to spend or you can just order a new transducer from lei extras.

    red wing, mn
    Posts: 165

    I have a hummingbird max 10 {95.00} and a lowrance x 18 color graph, and i prefer the hummingbird, easy to read and use and also alot better in shallow water, but it all ends up being personal preference.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Not knowing what he wants to spend, I would say the best all-around sonar unit is the Lowrance X510C. He’ll be able to mark walleye and bass in the weeds, easily determine bottom content, and easily mark suspended crappies and bait fish. This unit marks an 1/8oz jig in 35 feet of water. There are other less expensive options, but this is my #1 recommendation in the mid-price range.

    Clemson, SC
    Posts: 53

    Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate your help!

    I think he is looking around the $200-400 range??

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