How much benefit from a stainless prop????

  • showags
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 518

    I have never run a 4 blade stainless, but on an former boat we owned, the 4 blade aluminum was an easy way to gain holeshot and not lose as much top end. We always had two props a 19 alum for holeshots(skiing, etc) and a 21 pitch for just cruising and not worrying about holeshots. We had access to props and actually found a 18 pitch 4 blade to give much better holeshot than the 19 and just a whisker less top end than the 21. Of course the pitches will vary with motor/boat. Either way, the moral of the story is to try a few props and see which meets your needs.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 184

    I have a 185 Tourney sport with a 150 yamaha 4 stroke and with my 17 pitch Aluminum prop I get 44 MPH . with my 19 pitch stainless I get 48 mph same conditions.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    Just out of curiousity, how high would one raise the motor?

    Everyboat and motor are different even same make and engine. Each will run different do to sutble differences while being built.

    I usually start by raising one hole at a time. See how the boat performs. As the engine is raised different props can be tried, for best performance. For best allaround performance the four blades are tough to beat. As stated before great hole shot but loose some topend, as the engine is raised higher a little hole shot is lost. Pure speed rakers are the best way.

    I don`t recomend raising the engine with an aluminum prop it just doesn`t have the design to ride high in the water, but there are exceptions depending on hull design.

    Good Luck

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