Eagle intellimap 480 GPS

  • sand_pike
    Posts: 51

    I purchased an intellimap 480 stand alone gps plotter about 3 weeks ago. Installed it last week and hit the water. Worked good for about 30 minutes, then screen went blurry and the thing locked up. I could not shut it off without physically pulling the power cord out. I let it rest for 10 minutes and plugged it back in, it booted and ran through the start up this time worked for about 5 minutes and screen locked up again. I unpluuged and restarted for a third time, now the unit powers up goes through the boot process, and continually tries to re-boot itself.

    Anyone have any ideas? I have a call in to Eagle/Lowrance customer service.
    If it matters, I am running the Lakemaster promaps chip.
    Thanks in advance for any help/ideas.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Try a soft reset? Turn off power…..Hold the pages and power button until map shows up,then release.

    Posts: 51


    Try a soft reset? Turn off power…..Hold the pages and power button until map shows up,then release.

    Thanks, I’ll give that a shot.

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