Folbe Vs.

  • Chris
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Looking at adding a couple more rod holders and would like to hear what everyone thinks about the products out there. I would like to particularily hear about the Folbe holders since they look very slick but hearing about other brands would be good too. I like using RAM holders since they hold different types of reels in place very well but the clasp doesn’t look like it holds a candle to the Folbe design… Anyone have anything?


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Another question… are RAM and Folbe mounts and rod holders useable with each other?


    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Pros and cons for a few that I have used so far.

    Pros- Dont cost to much, simple design
    Cons- Break easy, hard to unlatch when a fish is on

    Ram rod
    Pros- easy to get rod out with fish on, resonable priced
    Cons- Rod can come out if bumped right

    Pros- Very well built (strong), holds all rods well, easy release with fish on.
    Cons- Must be standing to get rod out,

    Those are just a few things that I have noticed and I am sure there is more.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    The mounts are not interchangeable as far as I have found so far.

    One other pro about the folbes is that they lock in the back with a lever design instead of the slot like the rest of them

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    This rod holder was designed around bait cast rods & reels
    so a spinning reel works but you have to lock it…we are currently working on a smaller version that will work great for both , it wont be ready till spring…..
    Fish ON -Atwood-and RAM will fit into our bases due to the lock but we will not fit into ours ,,,for scotty you can change there nut and bolt around , use there post so you can use there base….
    With a load on the tip you have to use two hands one in the front and one in the back and just pull up evenly…
    Dont hesatate to ask…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Eric…come over to my boat. I lift rods out while seated all the time…most of the time I can’t stand up.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    PS C&R…get your rear over to Everts and try one on for size. I don’t know about eye fishing with them as I can’t understand why anyone would want to fish for the…but they are perfect for catten…and strong enough too.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    C and R….I’ve been using them exclusivly now for a couple of months. Another feature I really like is the locking mechinism that locks the holder into the base. With all the rod holders…..You have to spin them all the way around to be able to lift it out of the base. With the Folbes,there’s a swith that locks them.Move the switch….Lift it out of the base and move it to the next one.
    Eric……..I also lift mine up from the sitting position. Even when your snagged or have a big fish on the rod will remove easily from the holder.
    CandR….If you’d like a demo, Give me a pm and I’d be glad to show you.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    I have had on my boats in the past about every rod-holder made.They all have some pros and cons…..but nothing I have seen to date compares with Folbe in regards to how well built they are.

    Perhaps the biggest con to making a change on a rod holder is just plain and simple getting used to something that works different than what you are used to.I used to have Ramrods and really liked them but has been a few years since I have used them….amazing how I struggled with getting the rod out of the holder when I had a snag or fish on……I just forgot how to use them I know for sure we all become creatures of habit and need to re-train ourselves with something new!

    One thing I think everyone will agree with, is the contruction of the folbe is second to none and not having to align the notch to the base is strongly in Folbes favor.

    As always,you or anyone else are more than welcome to a demo to try out for yourself…..just give a shout!

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I just switched from the Atwoods to RAM mounts this year. I like them so far. My only complaint is I had a few large catfish rods that would not fit in them.

    I guess you can say I had a little too much girth

    Posts: 1007

    I also have fished with a lot of rod holders.My favorite being the Folbe. Like anything, once you get used to the rod holder, you will love it. It takes a little practice when there is weight on the holder. But they are sweet. I just changed over all of my holders to Folbe, I will be adding more in the future also. WTA

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    All rods will fit in the Folbes.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    FYI….No issues at all with the spinningreels for me…..using 2500 Stradics….still work great!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Thanks for the replys everyone. I’d be using them for trolling eyes, fishing cats, and occasionally trolling muskies when the throwing arm needs a break so the only thing I’m worried about is how well they work with a spinning reel when trolling eyes.

    Slack-line, you said that RAM holders will fit into your bases but not vice versa. Is the fit a tight fit? What I’m thinking is that I will buy a couple of the Folbe holder/base combo and a couple of the bases (if the fit is tight with RAM holders). If I like them this will make the transition to Folbe easier. I would assume the design you are coming out with in the spring will use the same bases too?

    Thanks again,

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    I cant seem to find the Ram right now , I will keep looking , so cant tell you how tight it really is , its close tho!

    To troll with this (with a spinning reel) one it should be used in the reverse direction so the weight of the spinning reel sitting on the stationary side wont push up on the moveable side …

    This one was designed around bait cast reels but works with both when used properly , a little confusing but realy simple..The next rod holder will be smaller a little lighter weight with a designated place for a spinning reel..All the mounts and posts will be the same in the next version to……
    I hope this helps out ….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Joel, I put my first holder on backwards (the movable part taking the strain) I caught a number of fish that way…then I read the directions when I installed the other 3.

    Did you really expect us to read them??

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    Brian Men just dont read the instructions ..
    The rod holder works great backwords we just dont recomend
    using it that way for certain reasons ,but depending on the aplication its usually OK..
    My goodness still no kid , Gunna have to induce soon….

    Posts: 4062


    Brian Men just dont read the instructions ..
    The rod holder works great backwords we just dont recomend
    using it that way for certain reasons ,but depending on the aplication its usually OK..
    My goodness still no kid , Gunna have to induce soon….

    You must excuse Brian, he is a Cat Fisherman they cant see the directions because they only come out at night and it is to dark to see the directions

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Alright, I’ll be putting my order in then. Thanks again for the info and good luck on the one on the way


    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    Everts has them in stock , just to let ya know ,if your close , I think Dean will ship also!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    For a doz peanut butter cookies, Dean will do about anything.

    Joel, we’re looking forward to hearing your report (with pictures) of the “keeper” when he/she arrives!

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    Well been doing some serius wlaking for a few weeks ,tried some other methods , just got back from bringen the wife and dogs out to the mountains to hit some bumppy roads to see if we can shake him or her out hmmm!
    Defiant little s*** gunna be on restriction as soon as he or she gets out…..Joel

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m not sure…but I don’t think it’s pc to give a kid a “time out” until they are around a year or two.

    I’ll do you a favor. I’m going to be sending some catfish belly slime to you over night. Have your wife rub it into her lips and under her nose. This will work…trust me! Heck sometimes it work just telling them it’s in the mail!

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    My wife can be pretty bullheaded at times , I even sudjest something like that I’ll be on the couch

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    My wife can be pretty bullheaded at times , I even sudjest something like that I’ll be on the couch

    Make her sleep on the couch Joel! Maybe the uncomfortability of the couch will make the baby come!

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    We tried it for a week ! I got the floor for a week , that was enough …Joel

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    When we were waiting for my first born to finally come we tried bumppy roads etc but did no good. They will come when they are suppose to come and thats the best way too as there are important parts like lungs etc that get fully developed at the end and the baby needs those parts healthy too. Keep us posted when she delivers and if the baby is a boy or girl. Either one can become hooked on fishing by Dad showing them pics of boats and fish and taking him/her to the water to play when they are no longer a newborn. Then comes being in the boat and touching and kissing the fish caught and they will get hooked. My youngest son takes his 18 month old daughter out fishing and she loves being in the boat. So no matter which sex the baby is you can get them hooked on fishing and that will make you one happy dad/fisherman.

    Thanks, Bill

    ps. Those new Folbes sound like really nice rod holders. I made the complete switch to the Ram rod holders last fall when I got the new boat from using a mixture of Ram and Roberts. For quick release rod holders I had a couple of the Berkley ones on my old boat and now have 4 new sets sitting downstairs still and not mounted yet. But if these Folbes will work in my Ram mounts they sound like they could be a better option than the Berkleys.

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    Hi Bill,
    The Rams will actually fit into the Folbes but wont fit into the Rams…
    With the baby my wife is very healthy ,her and the baby have passed all there tests with flying colors so far she comes from some good midwest stock….
    The due date was on 7-02-07 even the doctors thaught the kid was coming around the middle of June …..
    Cant wait to teach the kid about fishin and all the good times to come , its gunna be a ball!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You know Joel? Since your kid WAS made by Folbe…I would think you could just lift him/her out.

    If they allow camera phones in the delivery room…you have my email…just don’t take a photo…too early.

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    Brian, it seems this site is full of smart around here I think I will be to awe struck to be taking pics right away, I am already amased !

    I think this one is just a little far out of my hands !

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