Minn Kota PowerDrive Problems – running in reverse

  • djlengyel
    Lake Elmo, MN
    Posts: 29

    Last weekend I pulled apart the lower unit on my PowerDrive 55 Electric Motor to check for any water inside the casing. (I had run into the dock hard enough with it to slighty move the seal that keeps water from leaking in around the shaft. Anyway, I pulled the motor out of the lower casing to check for the water (there was none) and put everything back together. So tonight when I went to use it, all of a sudden the propeller is now operating in the wrong direction. Could removing the motor and reinstalling it cause this to happen. When you pull the motor, you have to disengage the brushes, but I put them back just as they were. There really was nothing else that I could have reassebled incorrectly. Any ideas?


    North Metro of TC
    Posts: 56

    Sounds like a classic case of reversed polarity….???

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    DJL – i had the exact same problem last year. I took everything apart and then put it back together and it ran the wrong way. Here is what worked for me and it was really easy. i am pretty sure the LONG bolt are what contain the polarity. I took those out and switched them around and then it turned the right way. I marked the one so it always goes back together the same. I hope it is really that easy for you and thats what it is. Worked for me i wish you the best

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Wow! I would have never guessed.

    Great info!

    Lake Elmo, MN
    Posts: 29

    Thanks to those that responded to my problem. I finally called a MinnKota technician and he told me what to do. There is a small notch (more like a nick) on the outside of the lower unit casing. You really have to look hard to see it. That notch has to be down, towards the skeg in order for the motor to turn in the right direction. The way it is designed, when you install the motor it is either up or down. In the four times I had the thing apart, I never, by chance, got lucky and reassembled it correctly.


    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    Well that shot my bolt theory to crap. good to know though. ike

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