Lowrance network questions….

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Here’s the deal….I’ve got two 332c units, on the console and on the front by the universal sonar trolling motor. I can’t read the temp at the front unit because of the universal sonar, but isn’t there a way I can import that info from the console sonar to the front since they’re networked?

    Posts: 45

    You can if the temperature sensor is a NMEA sensor.

    If the temperature sensor is on the network then it will be available in the overlay data under NMEA devices.

    I forget how much I paid for my NMEA temp sensor, I think it was around $60.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Sorry, I should have clarified…..I’m wanting to import the temp reading from the console unit, which the console unit gets from its transducer. Any way I could do that without having to get the network temp gauge?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I’m not sure if this will work but go to the buss set up and set it for sharing temp, then check overlay data as well. It might not work to share temp. without the network temp sensor. I can’t recall for certain.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Cool, thanks Wade. I’ll give that a try tomorrow!

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