Well I planned on installing my 520 today after it arrived and was relieved to see that it did come with a short network cable and a double-T, both with red connectors. I currently have a 520, 28cHD, and a 2000 GPS puck in the boat. The 520 and 28 both have red connectors so I thought I was set until I took the dash panel off only to find blue-T’s and blue connectors!
So, I guess it looks like I’ll need one of those red to blue network cables and another blue T. Correct?
I suppose another option could be to use the red network cable and connect it to the red double-T, and then get a red to blue cable to connect the red and blue T’s together. How about that option? That would mean all I would need is a red/blue cable and I could still use the red T. yes/no?
Not clear about the terminating resistors though. I’ve seen 60 ohm in some literature but have the red 120’s that came with the 520. Not sure what’s up with that deal.
Suggestions please…