Here’s my current set-up: LCX-28cHD at the rear and 520c on the bow. LCX-28cHD shares GPS puck with 520c via network.
I didn’t install this (came from the factory set up) so I’m not exactly sure of what parts and pieces were used to network the two units to share GPS. I know there are a couple of T’s behind the dash but I didn’t inspect the configuration very close when I had the dash panel off for other reasons.
What I want to accomplish is when I know I won’t be fishing from the bow I’d like to move the 520 to the back of the boat and mount it beside the LCX-28 and use it for GPS only. Ideally I would like to put a RAM ball there and have the necessary wires there for a quick plug-n-play for GPS.
So networking experts, my question is what equipment do I need and how do I incorporate it into the current wiring to accomplish a mobile 520?