Lowrance Blue to Red Cable (Gander Woodbury)

  • dandorn
    Posts: 3239

    I was just in to Gander Mtn. Woodbury, MN location and

    noticed they had some “hard to find” blue to red adaptor


    Here’s what they had as of 10:45 a.m.

    127-04 Qty. 2 Adapts female red to female blue

    127-05 Qty. 1 Adapts male red to male blue

    127-06 Qty. 2 Adapts female red to male blue

    127-07 Qty. 1 Adapts male red to female blue

    They also had a couple of power cables for use with the

    red network. (I think they were part #119-75 but you may

    want to call to confirm)

    LEI-Extras Link


    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Seems these “hard to find cables” are easier to find then the rest of the pieces needed to complete a network. I have been looking since march for 2 “T” connectors (119-48) and a network expansion kit (119-50) I have assembled the rest of the cables I need to connect the 332c to the 113hd save for the connectors themselves. Just got a cryptic message from cabela’s that they are backordered and not due in till 5-14-07 thought the message was confirmation that those items had finally shipped. Dunno when, if ever I’ll get it.

    Posts: 3239

    I also am waiting for the “T”‘s and a 15’ extension cable.

    I take it you received a single “T” connector with your


    Balsam Lake Wisc.
    Posts: 183

    I just Networked a red 520C with a blue 332C and I got all the ‘T’s and adaptor cables from Warners Dock in New Richmond Wisconsin. They had quite a few networking accessories. You might want to give them a call. Phone # is 888 222 3625.

    Rogers, Minnesota
    Posts: 128

    i’m a big lowrance fan, but the logistics of the last 2 seasons have been far less than impressive.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    i’m a big lowrance fan, but the logistics of the last 2 seasons have been far less than impressive.

    That there is a factual statement, unfortunately. I’m hoping for a MUCH smoother 2008!

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157


    I wish I did get a single “t” connector with my unit. I ordered mine without GPS cause I planned on using my LGC-2000 antenae. All that came in the box was cables that connect directly to the back of the unit. No “t’s” included. Am now being told by Cabela’s that the date is now early June for these blasted things! I’ll be thinking about ice fishing by the time Lowrance pulls their head out and gets these things in stock!

    I am currently waiting for a callback from Warners Dock on these parts. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Posts: 3239


    Based on what I was told I didn’t think I would be
    receiving any network parts whatsoever with a head only unit.
    Here’s what I received with my head only 520c.
    (The other 520 with GPS came later)
    I received a double T connector, a 2′ cable, and (2) 120 ohm
    terminators. Wasn’t expecting that!!
    I had already placed and order with LEI for (2) 2′ cables, (1) 15′ cable, and
    (2) single T connectors prior to receiving either unit. OOPS!!
    With the unit with the GPS I received a single T connector,
    a 15′ ext. cable, a 2′ extension cable and a 60 ohm
    terminator. This would allow to set up one unit with
    GPS, terminating the end of the backbone with the 60
    ohm terminator.
    I did call Warner’s Dock and asked them if they had T’s
    and a 15′ extension cable and they did not.
    When talking to the gentleman at Warner’s he told me
    that I should have received the parts I did with the
    head only unit. The node kit should come with a head
    only unit to tie the unit into an existing network.
    My point is that I think you should have received the
    same parts with your head only unit as I did.
    Although they would be red connector parts because the
    LCX-113hd uses the LGC-3000, you could then
    buy the easier to find red to blue adaptor cables to
    tie it all together.
    It might be worth a call to Lowrance. If it was their
    mistake that you didn’t get the parts I did, maybe
    you could expedite the situation. Or talk to who you
    bought it from and see what they can do for you.
    Never hurts to ask.

    Good Luck,


    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Thanks Dan,

    I’ll be calling Lowrance tommorrow to see what should have shipped with the unit. I never saw what shipped with my 332C as I dropped it off at the dealer unopened when they were outfitting my boat. I thought that I did order the kit with the LGC3000 antenae but after talking to Cabela’s at the time I recieved it was told the one with the antenae was out of stock and could not have ordered it that way. Too much time passed between ordering and getting I guess. I did think that the 113 shipped pretty lean, when I opened the box nothing extra except for the dashmount kit. I have a sneaky feeling that sometime here, I am going to be told that the blue connector parts have been dropped for the new red ones and I’ll have to start this all over again. I see LEI extra’s site still has not been updated to show the new connectors yet. It has been over 2 months now.

    For what it’s worth, the gal from cabela’s I talked to today said she would forward my dissatisfaction with Lowrance and the still not availible networking parts to they purchaser. I guess I can start the internet search again see if someone go something shipped to them that has not been cleaned out yet.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 184

    Here is the # I called LEI extras (800-324-0045) and ordered all my connectors for networking my LCX-110 and LCX-28. I had my parts within 4 days. I had to order a red to blue conector also. GOOD LUCK. Cabelas was no help at all, but in thier defence lowrance has mad this way to complex for the average guy.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Well, after a 45 minute hold time with LEI extras I got a big zero on the stocking levels of the two numbers I am looking for. I was told, “about two weeks” for an ETA on more of them, I have been hearing that for ummm, going on TEN weeks now.

    Anyone got a backdoor CS complaint email address or phone number for Lowrance? This is getting re-gosh-darned-iculus now.

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