LCX27 GPS Module Not Responding.

  • bobberstop4054
    Posts: 178

    Hello! Haven’t posted here much but I am having a real tough time with this new unit. I have done everything right on the hookup of the unit. Talked to Craig at Lowrance yesterday and we went through everything again. Has anyone had any problems with these units besides myself? Are the modules faulty or the connector? I wonder if they may not have all the bugs worked out. Thanks everyone I am just frustrated as all get out.

    Becker, MN
    Posts: 75

    Where have you been trying to use the unit? If you have been using it in a garage you may want to try pulling it out of the garage so you get a better signal and no interferrence from the roof. I have had that happen before. Matt

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Where have you been trying to use the unit? If you have been using it in a garage you may want to try pulling it out of the garage so you get a better signal and no interferrence from the roof. I have had that happen before. Matt

    That would not mattter if he is getting the GPS Module is Not Responding messeage.

    “GPS Module Not Repsonding”, happenended to me and I disconnected and reconnected and was good to go???

    Since you went through it with Lowrance, I’m guessing you have power hooked up to both the Unit and the NMEA system? Are both powewr leads getting power or is there a switch that is not turned on????

    Where are you located? I had a 3500 Global that was Faulty from the Manufacturer and I had to return it. Try swapping pucks (antenna) with someone that has the same NMEA system. That way you can at least elminate a bad puck/antenna. Then it is either the connections or the unit.

    Becker, MN
    Posts: 75

    Ok, maybe it was the disconnecting and reconnecting that made it work for me then because it wouldn’t work in the garage for me and I got the “gps module not responding” message on my screen and after pulling the boat out of the garage and reconnecting the cable it worked fine. Thanks for clarification!

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I had thar problem when I hooked my lms-337c & I hooked up the wrong power leads. You need to have power leads for the module & the unit.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Matt, I have also had the same problem as you in the garage, where I can’t get a sattelite to lock in, but if you get the GPS Module is not responding note, there is something else wrong(connection, power, bad antenna,or unit).

    Posts: 2294

    Check to see if it is set for the correct date and time.

    Becker, MN
    Posts: 75

    Thanks Rob, I have luckily only had that happen once and when I reconnected and brought it outside it was fine so I thought that was the problem! Oh well, I tried!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    If everything is connected properly, and you tried unhooking the gps and rehooking it back up, I’m going to venture the guess the GPS module went bad somehow. I’ve heard of it happening on new/er units before.

    First off Triple check your wiring, make sure both the Network and the unit itself are both powered, you should have 2 wires hooked up to a 12v positive source and 2 grounds, check your power make sure it’s available, check your fuses, check your grounds.

    At first I though I had a major issue with my unit I hooked it all up, only to find it wouldn’t even turn on, then I realized I magically hooked it up to a spare switch on my dash, flipped it on and I was good.

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