battery question

  • Willeye
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    I had a trolling motor battery die on me and need to know if it is important to have identical batteries in a 24V system. My remaining battery is a Trojan SCS200 but I don’t want to spend $150 for another one. If I go with a different battery will I have problems?



    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I think you would be fine if you didn’t go with exactly the same battery. Your trolling motor is depending on having 24 volts, and it won’t care how it gets it. I will tell you that a lot of times it’s wise to get two new batteries at the same time, so that they’ll last about the same time, and you won’t be changing every 3-4 years.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I would make sure they both have at least the same reserve time or one would run out before the other. I have also always been told to buy pairs for a 24 volt but I don’t ones normaly a year older than the other.

    East Troy, WI
    Posts: 8

    I work at Batteries Plus. It is recommended to replace in match set due to drain. You will notice the performance effect near the 100% discharge point. Call the B+ hot line for more information. They will answer your questions with no sell pressure ! FYI the trojan is a very good battey and worth the cost. I run Optimas in a 24v system. Se ya on the water

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    I bought the Trojan gel batteries last year from B+. One of the batteries went bad after 8 months, and when I went to return it the owner showed me the warranty and they only have replacent for 6 months. When I purchased the batteries he told me they were on of his best performers so I just went with it, little did I know they only had 6 month replacement. I am not taking a shot at B+, I will just honestly say I won’t ever be purchasing Trojan batteries again. And yes I did buy 2 new Northerns.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I recommend replacing both batteries. Several years ago I had a battery go bad. My other battery still took a good charge so I only replaced the bad one. The old battery soon began to put undue drain on the new battery and within a year and a half I was forced to replace both batteries. Since then I purchase 2 batteries at the same time. I fish with my trolling motor pretty much all the time and I fish at least 2 or 3 times a week during the spring and summer months. I have been getting 3 plus years out of each set when I buy 2 at the same time. The last couple times I bought new batteries I bought the biggest deep cells that Walmart has and I’ve had no problem with them. This will be the 3rd season for the ones currently in my boat and both still take a full charge. Not bad performance for batteries that cost around $70 each.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Agree 100%. Buy 2 new batteries and be done with it!


    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 518

    In a 24V system, it’s only as reliable as it’s weakest battery. I would replace both and keep them on the same replacement cycle. My $.02

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    Thanks for all of the information and advice. I’ve got two new Northern batteries coming to replace the old ones.


    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    You will be happy with the Northern Battery. For the La Crosse Area Battery Mart is a good place to purchase Batteries. They have treated me very well there and always answer questions without a sales pitch They are down in muddy Flats past Norplex.

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