Which chip to buy for Mississippi River

  • emtkolby
    Posts: 5

    I have a Lowrance 334c sonar and I am shopping for the most ideal navigational chip for the Mississippi River. I primarily fish in pool 10 and occasionaly 8 and 9 also. Anyone have any thoughts I would appreciate it! Thanks!


    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I run the same GPS unit…

    I just bought a Lakemaster Wisc Chip and it has some nice details on the Mississippi pools.

    I imagine either Minn or Wisc chips would share these details… which state do you fish the most?

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    Posts: 4179

    I’m pretty sure that both lakemaster and navionics have both pools 4 and 8 as high-def survey waters on their most recent chips. Nothing for 9 or 10.

    I own both the 2007 lakemaster WI and MN chips, as well as a 2005 navionics chip. I think the navionics chip has some river detail on the non-survey pools. For example, on pool 5, the nav chip has wingdam and buoy locations, which is pretty helpful. The lakemaster doesn’t have this info (just checked last week while on the water).

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4

    I would recommend Navionic’s Upper US Rivers and Waterway’s chip. While some of the other lake chips give you some degree of detail for select pools on the Mississippi, this chip gives you very good detail on wingdam locations.

    Posts: 5130

    There is a chip out there for the rivers. I beleive it is a Navionics XL-9. Spendy, but would be worth it to have if you fish the river a lot

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I have the Navonics chip US 918XL3 Wwhich is the River North chip that was offered several years ago. I can’t remember all the pools on it but Wade would know.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 5

    Thanks for all your input. I will look into it further. Your help is very much appreciated!


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Check with Wade at Jolly Ann. I bought it from him.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Wade. I really like the River chip for visiting different pools. It comes in very handy. I also have the 2006 Premium chips too as they come in real handy for different lakes and they have pool 4 and 8 too. Guess it depends exactly what you want. Wade sells both chips and also the 2007 Premium chip too. Thanks, Bill

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 292

    Bill, how much more detailed is the River Chip compared to the Premium Chip. I have seen the Premium Chip and seemed to be pretty detailed. What examples would the river chip have over the premium chip. Thanks

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    It does show alittle more detail but the big thing is that it covers more pools. Ever want to go down to fish pool 5 for example? The river chip has it on it. Came in real handy one time fishing a tournament down there. Same would go for additional pools. All depends what you want to fish. Do you want to fish mostly lakes with pool 4 included but not other pools then you would want the Lake Premium one. Are you a river rat and stick to rivers mostly then the river one is what you want. I have the river and 2 of the 2006 Lake Premium chips plus others because of 3 GPSs on my boat and I want some of the lakes on that premium chip plus I want the different river pools maps on a chip too. Jusr depends on what your needs are.
    Thanks, Bill

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