Fluorcarbon leader question

  • cav90
    Chisago City, MN
    Posts: 79

    I’ve been reading a lot of posts regarding people putting a flurocarbon leader on their line. My question is how is this leader attached to the mainline? Do you tie it off using a special knot or is it attached using a swivel? Thinking of trying this out this year and was wondering how its done.
    Also I’m planning on running fireline this year on my reels and heard from a buddy that you should put a mono backer on it. Is this true and how do you attach the mono to the fireline?


    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    back to back uni knots
    depending on the size of your reels you can use mono backing
    use the same uni knots

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    definitely run mono under the fireline. If you don’t, there’s a good chance the line will spin on the spool.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Ditto the recommendation to use mono backing under fireline and other braids. Otherwise the line just slips on your spool making line retrieval impossible.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    A small swivel can work also.

    Manitowoc, WI
    Posts: 183

    I use Seaguar fluorocarbon leader material for all my spinner/crawler rigs. True fluorocarbon is very abrasion resistent and tends to be stiff. On the Great Lakes, when dealing with suspended fish in clear water, fluorocarbon has proven to be the ticket because it is less visible when pulling spinners at slow speeds. It also is the best choice for fishing around reefs with the many zebra mussels and rocks that can fray line.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359


    Ditto the recommendation to use mono backing under fireline and other braids. Otherwise the line just slips on your spool making line retrieval impossible.

    A trick I’ve found that works when spooling superlines directly to the spool is to take a small piece of tape (tear off a corner of the tape holding the line on the supply spool) and put it on the knot on the spool. Make sure the first few layers of line is very tight on the spool when you’re spooling it up. I’ve never had the fireline slip when using this technique.

    On the other hand, another reason to spool up some mono and then tie on the superline (double uni knot) is to save a few bucks – get el cheapo mono and throw that on for the first few layers on your spool.

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