Lowrance 334c Problem – Stuck on GPS Page

  • boone
    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I have a six month old Lowrance 334c that seems to be stuck on the GPS page. I can’t get to the Sonar page. When I hit the PAGES button it just beeps but nothing happens. When I hit the MENU button it brings up the GPS menu but when I hit MENU again it just goes to the GPS page. Up until now the unit has worked great.

    Any idea if I’m doing something wrong or is the unit broke? Is there anything I can do to restore it to the proper operating conditions? I can’t find anything in the manual or on Lowrance’s website that would help me.



    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    There is a way to reset it, But for the life of me I can’t remember how it’s done.

    Posts: 55

    Call Linda Colt at Lowrance. 918-438-8747 She is the GURU of Lowrance. To do a ‘hard reset’, unit must be off, hold both zoom keys in & power key. Units map will appear. Everything (way points) will be gone! You should save them before hard setting. <*)}}}><

    Posts: 253

    hold the pages key while turning the unit on… you will lose most if not all of your stored waypoints, been there, done that

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I called Linda and left a message. How would I go about saving the Waypoints? I assume I’ll need a MMC or SD card to transfer them to. I really don’t have many waypoints stored yet so it won’t be a big deal if I delete them. But in case this ever happens again, I’ll want to have my waypoints and trails backed up.

    I’ll try what you guys suggested and let you know if it worked.

    Thanks for the help,


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    From the Lowrance website: This is a hard reboot of the GPS and Sonar for both Blue and Grey connector units. Yes, you would need to save the waypoins to a chip or an other external device.

    Do a hard reset on the unit. Make sure that you have saved your waypoints before doing this reset. This reset will erase all memory in the unit. Please follow the procedure below.

    Turn unit OFF.

    Press and hold the ZOOM IN.

    Press and hold the ZOOM OUT.

    Press and hold the POWER KEY.

    Hold all three keys in until the USA Map appears.

    This will put the unit in a cold start mode; it may take a few minutes before the unit will lock on.

    W. Lakeland
    Posts: 160

    I sent my 334c to lowarnce last month for repair and am currently awaiting a replacement that is on backorder….

    Posts: 95

    if I remeber right, the soft re-boot (holding down the pages buttons) does not erase the waypoints..the hard rebood will. Unfortunatly it doesn’t matter for because when I sent mine in to get fixed, I didn’t think of save mine to an SD card

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I depressed the PAGES button while turning on the power and everything seems to be working fine now. Doing this did not delete my waypoints.

    Thanks everyone for the help,


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