Not 100% sure on the oil injection, but it should be fine, be sure to know what your alarms sound like and know the difference between the alarms, I suppose a Johnson dealer should be able to help you out with that. You find a lot of people leary of Johnson VRO, but in my research that seems to be un warranted for all but earlier models, there is no more reason to be worried about Johnson’s Vro versus anyone else’s, there is quite a bit of info out there google Johnson and Vro, sure you can mix the gas, but personally I find that a huge PITA.
As far as additives go, Seafoam is my choice for the do all additive, stabilizes the gas, and keep the motor from carboning up, with my motor I run Seafoam in every tank, though that’s probabably not needed on most engines, gives me a little piece of mind, I know my gas is going ot be good, I know my motor is going to stay clean. I used some stabil this last winter, but I only used half as much as they suggested and I had a bunch of sea foam in there, normally I don’t ever use stabil anymore especially since seafoam stabilizes the gas too, but I wanted to be extra sure over the winter.