150 Johnson Nitro HP Outboard VRO Question

  • Chippman
    Chippewa County, Wi
    Posts: 129

    Just bought a 1775DLX with a 150 Nitro HP wonering if anyone know how reliable the oil injection and overall the motor is.

    Previous boat still had 6gallon tanks so this is all new territory for me. Any advise on upkeep gas additives(stabil or seafoam in gas?) Thanks in advance. Chippman

    Sorry it’s a 1992 model if that helps.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Not 100% sure on the oil injection, but it should be fine, be sure to know what your alarms sound like and know the difference between the alarms, I suppose a Johnson dealer should be able to help you out with that. You find a lot of people leary of Johnson VRO, but in my research that seems to be un warranted for all but earlier models, there is no more reason to be worried about Johnson’s Vro versus anyone else’s, there is quite a bit of info out there google Johnson and Vro, sure you can mix the gas, but personally I find that a huge PITA.

    As far as additives go, Seafoam is my choice for the do all additive, stabilizes the gas, and keep the motor from carboning up, with my motor I run Seafoam in every tank, though that’s probabably not needed on most engines, gives me a little piece of mind, I know my gas is going ot be good, I know my motor is going to stay clean. I used some stabil this last winter, but I only used half as much as they suggested and I had a bunch of sea foam in there, normally I don’t ever use stabil anymore especially since seafoam stabilizes the gas too, but I wanted to be extra sure over the winter.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    VRO pumps are the scapegoats for these motors. A lot of problems that aren’t related to the VRO are blamed on the VRO. It should be a good motor. I have a friend with the same vintage Evinrude Intruder 175 that runs well. He did end up replacing the VRO last year, but the alarm did it’s job and it was no big deal. Just make sure your alarms are functioning properly.

    I would also suggest finding a mechanic that is familiar with your motor and who you trust.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    On an older motor like that, I would be inclined to disconnect the oil injection and mix my own. Chances are you would be fine, but the fact is injectors and alarms fail. Taking an extra minute to throw some oil in with the gas would give you peace of mind. Rebuilding a blown powerhead is expensive and as far as I’m concerned, its not worth the risk for a minor inconvenience like mixing your own.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I have a 92 60hp VRO I have run synthetic since I owned it, never a lick of an issue with the VRO. Some mechanics recommend updating the VRO to the newer 3 wire. The older style had only two wires coming out of it. Can find the newer VRO on E-Bay for half the price of dealer, if one is so inclined. It`s a plug and play change over so it`s very easy.

    As I said before I will never go back to mixing gas and oil.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Ralph is pretty much correct (from what I’ve seen in my research), the VRO pumps that did seem to have an issue here and there are the 2 wire ones IIRC.

    Chippewa County, Wi
    Posts: 129

    Thanks guys for all the info I did talk to the local marina and for peace of mind and $80buck had them check out engine 110lbs comp on all six cyls and all alarms working, plugs gapped wrong and dirty gearcase oil. All corrected and peace of mind for $80bucks Thanks Wissota Marine.

    So should be good to go dealer echo’d your advise on the synth oil and said I should have no problem with this vro
    just keep oil full and check to make sure it is using some

    Took it out for a ride in the rather cool weather all I can say is wow thru the cold weather tears I believe gps read 45mph at about 3500rpm half throttle was around 30mph
    and what a differance in rides with the pro v vs my old Mr Pike. Thanks again all who responded hope to see ya on pool 4 when I get the riggin done.
    Dark Blue pro v blk 150 nitro Johnson Chippman

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Good to hear you are up and running with piece of mind For $80 I’d be happy with that


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