I use the 15 Lb water spike, I believe that’s the weight on that bugger, it’s been so long since I bought it it’s hard to rememebr exactly but that weight will be close.
The thing works so good my anchor is now pretty much a “resort” anchor. Everyone down to Everts seems to want to use it after seeing it put through its paces with me on the water. I even had one guy try and rent it off me for the PWT tourney held this month….lol He had one of those monster mushroom anchors and a ranger 620…. that chunck of lead didn’t hold well at all and of course it’s much too much work hauling that heavy bugger over the gunnels more than once in a day.
I use 5/8th” braided rope… lots of it. I think I have 150′ or so. Some might think that this is a bit thick but it sure makes it easy on the hands going with the wider diameter rope and I’ve not even come close to loosing the anchor. I don’t use any chain on mine but many do. Probably the best thing about the spike is that you can collapse it for storage. Pull one pin and it lays flat. In this configuration it will fit in just about any compartment in the boat… the anchor rope actually takes up more room.