Hi, Mojo
I like my Garmin Rino 120. It’s a combo handheld GPS and 2-way radio. It sells for about $250, though you can find it for as low as $200. The are other Garmin hand-helds, especially in the eTrex family that sell for less and likely have all the features you’d want.
I really like the versitility of the handheld GPSs, this being my 2nd one. I use mine for hunting, hiking and fishing. The 2-way radio feature I use for road trips with multiple vehicles, too. Plus, the Rino has a neat feature that will send it’s coordinates to other Rinos. Really nice when you’re not in direct site of who you’re talking to.
The biggest problem with the handhelds is the screen size. If you dad’s older and doesn’t have good eyes, the hand helds can be challenging to read in low light and turbulent conditions.
I agree with BeachBrian that it would be really nice to have additional info, like a notes field, that you could enter about your waypoints. Entering text into these things requires you to choose each letter from a screen by moving and clicking a joystick. That can take a while.
– Rick