Waterproof, Breathable, ???Maybe sometimes, sorta?

  • fearnofish82
    Posts: 387

    Do not recomend buying ice armor gloves, mine are not whatsoever water-proof, and when they get wet they take a year to dry. Are the ice-armor suits really water-proof?

    I bought some muck boots and they are suppose to be waterproof and breathable, what a joke ! My feet were soaked in an hour the first time i wore them! All my gore-tex boots are kinda water-proof but my feet still end up wet, so they must either not be to breathable or not to waterproof?

    I have had good luck with my gander-mountain guide series rain gear though, it actually keeps me dry, although they are only a year old, probally will have to put a new DWR coating on them soon.

    Im sick of all these waterproof breathable marketing schemes, somebody give something that actually works and is worth the hundreds of dollars u shell out for the stuff!

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    I’ve never had a problem with goretex or frogg togg gear and I use my goretex hard but clean it well when done.I’ve had goretex boots with holes in the leather but the goretex still held dry.Check on other types of socks or something.I have found that certain socks my make a difference.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    This winter my Icearmor finger gloves I used them to scoop the ice out of my holes after drilling in my shack throwing the ice out of the hole up under the shack and the were as dry as a popcorn fart unless I went past the top of the glove. I’ve tryed those neopreme gloves and my hands freeze in them and the seams come apart.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    My brother had a pair of the gloves afew years back you talk aobut and I did not really like them either. They might have improved them sense.

    As far as Gor-Tex goes. Same here as Sharkbait. I usually by the higher end models and have been more then pleased. Danner Boots (with moisture wicking socks) have done their job beyond my expectations.

    Muck boots are rubber boots I believe??? I have not found a Rubber boot that breathed very well yet. Water proof sure, but they did not breathe and if you had to much insulation for the actvity you were doing , your feet will sweat.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359


    dry as a popcorn fart

    Now THAT’S DRY!!!

    Posts: 42

    I have nothing but good things to say about my Ice Armor suit. It wasn’t easy abandoning my 30yr old snowmobile suit, but the Ice Armor is more comfortable, and yes, waterproof!

    marshall, mn
    Posts: 79

    I got a pair of Ice Armor gloves for X-mas, I would say they are waterproof for the most part, but do seem to hold moisture, and once they get saturated, they do take a couple days to dry completely. When your hands are wet, it’s a bit of a struggle to get them back on, seems like they could improve the inner lining. Not a bad pair of gloves, but room for improvement.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939


    Check on other types of socks or something.I have found that certain socks my make a difference.

    Amen to that. I got some new socks last year, they wick away the moisture much better. Expensive, but worth it.

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