I’ve been trying out some of the Suffix line this winter ice fishing and have been REALLY satisfied. I’ve seen a ton of commercials on TV pushing it this winter also. I’m just wondering if anyone else has used it for ice fishing or for your summer fishing on your rod and reel. What do ya say????
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Outdoor Gear Forum » Suffix Fishing Line…What do you think?
Suffix Fishing Line…What do you think?
February 17, 2007 at 4:55 pm #538232
I’ve been using the green and orange(6lb test) and so far I haven’t had any complaints. I was using it on open water back in December casting jigs
Posts: 4179February 17, 2007 at 5:15 pm #538235Jeff, I’ve been using the hi-vis yellow Elite 8 lb side by side with Solar Sensation 8 lb this cold-water season on Pools 4 and 5. One thing I like about the Suffix is that is doesn’t seem to deteriorate after being in the sun like the trilene does. On the other hand, the suffix seems to have a little more memory, and I get more really gnarly birdsnests than I do with the sensation. This may be related to water/air temps, as I have yet to fish the suffix in warm (> 40 degree) temps. We’ll see how it stands up to the Wissota eyes and smallies this summer.
February 17, 2007 at 5:21 pm #538236i got some 8 pound test suffix last year for the other halfs catfish combos. she refuses to give up her zebco 33s and it worked fine for that.
however, i spooled some on a spinning outfit i use for slip bobbering the rocks in the summer and didnt like it at all. it had way too much memory and didnt want to feed through the slip bobber after a couple weeks use.February 17, 2007 at 5:51 pm #538241Thanks for the input so far fellas. I actually have loved the low/no memory of the line that I picked up for ice fishing…that is what I was looking to hear, but you guys seem to have other thoughts…I can’t wait to hear more about this stuff….keep it coming guys.
February 17, 2007 at 6:00 pm #538244since i didnt see jason’s post before i posted, i’ll add that what i bought was the plain ol basic suffix. not the “elite” that jason referred to.
Posts: 365February 17, 2007 at 6:21 pm #538252I tried some this past fall with positive results. Like others have mentioned before it can be a little squirrely on the spool for the first few casts until it lays down some. I’m using the 6lb Sufix Elite which is the same diameter as the 8lb Sensation. I noticed the Sufix would allow me to pull free of snags more often where as the Sensation would be much more apt to break. It does have a little more memory than I would like.
I too was never impressed with the abrasion resistance and strength of Sensation. I’ve had a couple big cats hooked up that really beat up that stuff. The line seemed to bind against the rod guides and get really brittle from too much pressure. Granted, I wouldn’t use Sensation if I was after cats but it still seems kinda wimpy.
I tried some 4lb Sufix on a smaller outfit for panfish and it didn’t seem to lay down quite as well. I might stick with Sensation for that application but will probably try experimenting with other reels. I am really tempted to switch all my walleye rigs over to the Sufix though!
ChrisFebruary 17, 2007 at 6:21 pm #538253I have very mixed feelings on Suffix.
The stadard Suffix(Clear box, brown label).. is the worst mono I have ever used, plain and simple. It stretches really bad to the point you cant get a hookset at a distance, terrible memory, it shreds when it hits anything abbrasive. The line diameter is thick.. almost as thick as the old Stren(rope).
Suffix Ice.. in the pony spools in the blue box I like a lot. Its limp, not bad for memory, doesnt have much stretch, small diameter, ultra low visibility.. Its everything the generic Suffix is not.
February 17, 2007 at 6:50 pm #53825810 lb Suffix Elite is the best crankbait line I have used bar none!
Posts: 439February 17, 2007 at 7:40 pm #538272been useing it for three years now and love it. biggest reson I like is the visability of it. My eyes arn’t as good as they used to be and the neon tangerine really makes it easy for me to pick up the line. ihave had no problem with it at all.
February 17, 2007 at 8:50 pm #538285Sufix Siege is 15x more abrasion resistant than Sufix Elite, so I used some Siege on my baitcaster and in places where I fished rocks. I used more of the Elite, including a lot of 6# for crappie fishing. I’m tellin you, I really love the stuff all the way around. I’m using more of it than Stren these days, I like it that much. Nothing but good to say about it.
February 17, 2007 at 10:44 pm #538310I use Sufix Mono on a number of my rods 6,10,12 and 20 it has been great. I do use a line conditioner on it and pre-strech it just as I have on other lines in the past because it relaxes the memory inherent to all mono a bit.
As good as I think the Sufix mono is, the braid is absolutely the best braid I have ever used bar none and I have used them all for bass and musky. If any walleye or bass guys use braid on spinning gear and are tired of wind knots, line cutting into spool or loosing its color after a few outings Sufix braid is the answer.
February 19, 2007 at 5:30 pm #538836I have been using the Siege in Hi vis yellow/grn and tangerine. I have been VERY satified! Brookie, I use the 6 pound, and like it a TON better than the 8. This stuff is very strong, and I have not had a break off on a fish ever. I would try a spool of 6, and let us know what you think.
Posts: 4179February 19, 2007 at 11:45 pm #539019I like the elite a lot, and the price is very nice to. Sure seems strong, I think a guy could almost get away with 4lb for pitching…….
February 21, 2007 at 1:50 pm #539584I noticed that too, the 8lb is very different than the 6 as far as the feel I get. I know if I hadn’t gotten a 6lb spool of the green when I got the spool of 8lb neon(store was out of 6lb neon) I would not be using that stuff again. It felt like you could feel the line stretch with the 8lb
February 21, 2007 at 8:13 pm #539769I tried the suffix elite. Did not like it. I don’t think it is very abbrasion resistent.
February 21, 2007 at 8:29 pm #539774Quote:
I tried the suffix elite. Did not like it. I don’t think it is very abbrasion resistent.
I respectfully disagree. I’ve found that stuff to be as tough as nails. Much more abrasion resistant than Sensation which is a fairly comparable hi-vis line. Stronger too.
Posts: 439February 22, 2007 at 1:37 pm #540068Sufix has a pretty good rebate offer if you go into there home page. Basically get $6.00 back when you buy 2 spools. Almost like getting one free.
Posts: 95February 22, 2007 at 7:16 pm #540272I used the stuff in the red package…I think it’s the elite. 8 lb and I liked it. I also picked up some of the braid this winter and am looking forward to rippin’ some lips with it this summer. I never saw the ice line…does it come in 2 lb test? I’d like to give it a try if it does.
February 22, 2007 at 9:10 pm #540328Jeff. I use Suffix for most of my mono on everything from spinning rods to my flippin sticks. 6-25# line. I have been extremely happy with it. Abrasive resistant and strong.
If memory is a problem, I spray KVD Line and Lure Conditioner on the spools and let them sit overnight to dry. You can cast about 20% further also!
February 23, 2007 at 1:57 am #540500I’ve been running the Elite since it first came out locally. First I spooled 3 reels to try it out, now most of my reels are spooled with it. It’s a great line! I used to run Trilene exclusively, the Sufix Elite tops it in every category imho.
February 26, 2007 at 6:49 pm #541688I was flipping 17lb elite last year on the river and was breaking off on every other cast! I usually flip with heavier line but the water was low and clear. Maybe I should give it another shot it seems that you guys like it.
February 26, 2007 at 9:47 pm #541803Quote:
Sufix has a pretty good rebate offer if you go into there home page. Basically get $6.00 back when you buy 2 spools. Almost like getting one free.
Schweet!! I’m all over that one!!!
March 1, 2007 at 5:15 am #543203I am doing a day trip with James Holst in early April. He said that he recommends Suffix line, but didn’t say what color. I don’t want to bother him anymore than I already have. Do I want the high vis colors for pool 4 fishing or do I want the clear or moss green?
Posts: 4179March 1, 2007 at 6:00 am #543209Hi Vis….you’ll be doing a lot of line watching while you pitch plastics for spring piggies.
March 1, 2007 at 6:32 am #543219Quote:
Hi Vis….you’ll be doing a lot of line watching while you pitch plastics for spring piggies.
What he said.
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