If not, have mercy on me and spill the beans!
Brookie elementary my dear.
The old fashion way of connecting 2 Lowrance systems. All this hype on the new Lowrance and Linking their stuff together is just a bunch of hype and more ways to make $ if you ask me, unless you are looking for fuel sensors, livewell temps,etc. Currently the systems are unable to share Sonars/transducer information, so if you are looking at multiple units, you need multiple transducers or a switchbox. The switch box allows you to use 1 transducer and 2 units or have 2 transducers and one unit. I almost went that route but chose to have multiple transducers, in case of one breaks down and a few other reasons.
I have been through the process of this the last few weeks of trying to figure out how to do this correctly. A lot more thinking and time sitting in my boat pondering and hardly any thing getting accomplished.
Basically the only useful information these SONAR/GPS units can share for the “AVERAGE” guy is GPS information. So basically you share the same antenna between the 2 units. That can be done without all the fancy T connectors, extension cables, etc. Basically your main power cord that plugs into your Lowrance Unit has 3 different configurations of wires. One is power for the unit with a 3 amp fuse. The next is Power for the NMEA system, a 3 amp fuse and your antenna. The next is data cables that allows 2 units to “talk” to each other. In these wires comes a Yellow, Blue, Orange and Shield(non coated) wires. Correctly hook these wires up and the 2 units “talk” to each other or share GPS information.
I went out and bought all the fancy stuff and it cost me about $200 to get everything set up the way I wanted. I thought about it asked a few ?’s and now it will cost me basically what ever 60′ of 18 gauge wire costs and one Power cord to have an extra station….. So I returned all the fancy stuff.
If you need help farther let me know. I will finish doing mine this weekend. 
To summarize basically I have 2 units that utilize 3 different stations. I want to have one at the Bow, the Console and the transom (back). The one at the console will basically stay put, but I will move the one back and forth from bow and transom. The bow station will be indpendent with it’s own transducer and puck. The one at the stern will have its own transducer, but share GPS information with the Conosle unit via GPS Puck located on the transom.
Make Sense?????
This is the 4th time I have answered this question. So hopefully it is clear?