At the beggining of winter I had the great oppurtunity of buying a boat that has a Merc Blackmax 175 h.p. on it. I got this at a deal to good to be true. But me not having much luck with Mercs in the past dont know to much about them. My first being a 50 horse merc left me stranded at the doc. Minor problem turned out.
The second Merc my 115 was a great motor but cost me an arm and leg when the computer went on it. Which I blew a cylinder last year. Now I bought this boat and of coarse I have a yard full of boats already so I am in a position of trying to figure out what I am going to set the boats up for as fishing wise for the upcoming season.
I was focusing on this one being set up for MilleLacs fishing 21 foot boat deep and wide with a big motor,BUT yes there is a BUT, are these motors reliable motors? I do not want to be stuck out on Millelacs drifting around with no real horse power to get back to shore.
So if anyone knows anything about these motors please let me know before I give this boat a makeover…
February 12, 2007 at 7:13 pm