Aqua-Vu users

  • ederd
    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    When you use it in down mode do you put the camera in the same hole your fishing or do you drill another hole beside the one your fishing?


    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Same hole. Glassman

    Posts: 701

    It depends on the depth and clarity for me E.

    For example, at Waubay I can see 10′ a lot of the time so I put the camera in it’s own hole. Usually I’ll sit with three holes L to R in front of me, pole, marcum, pole with another hole just beyond the marcum hole for the camera.

    This past weekend in a lake we could only see about 2′ so me and another guy shared. We put the camera down one hole we were fishing but could still see two jigs.

    Sometimes I like to line it up shooting horizontally at 2-3 rods also.

    I AVOID fishing with the camera in an active hole if I can in other words.

    Good luck


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    Usually the same hole. I like to keep the camera above the bait pointing down. But, I guess if I had a gas auger I would drill another hole right along side. Not that I am lazy but I can’t spend all of my time drilling holes!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    same hole..I have used this a couple times and it works decently…however, its not the best viewing mode for the river because of the visability

    Randolph, MN
    Posts: 244

    How well is the vieing when it is the the vertical mode. I have just always used it in the horizontal mode so i can look at all the baits. For that, i usually drill another hole either off to the side to see the line of baits or in the center and just turn it around.

    May have to try the vertical mode this weekend, but just curious on your experiences.

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    Yesterday was the first time I used it in vertical mode, for some reason water clarity is bad on this lake this year. i would drop the jig down until I could barely see it then I would start working it. It’s really neat to watch the fish come in and how they react to the jig, I was able to bring fish right up to the camera before they would bite. I just wish they would have been bigger than 4″


    Posts: 701

    When Horizontal it’s hard to tell how close a fish is to your bait on a horizontal plane

    When Vert, the Vert is the same.

    I actually prefer vertical because I can see 360 AROUND my entire bait, nothing sneaks up on me.


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