Any Lowrance LCX deals out there???

  • #1234800

    Well the IRS decided to be generous this year, and give me some of my money back , so i’m thinking of picking up a Lowrance LCX-110, or LCX-111HD. My question is, since the new Lowrance LCX-113HD came out, are any retailers closing out the above mentioned graphs? Also, is there that big of a difference between the LCX-110, and the LCX111-HD. It’s finally time to make the switch to color, and I just need to make sure there isn’t any good deals out there before I got to the local store, and put the hurton my piggy bank.

    Thanks in Advance

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    im in the same boat, i want to upgrade all electronics in the boat this year, this includes 2 sonar units and a trolling motor, the piggy bank is not going to like to hammer coming his way!

    Posts: 16

    The 110’s and 111’s are in very short supply and the 112’s and 113’s have not shown yet. There are also not many of the 330 series and no 520 to be had yet. I hope they start showing up soon.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I beg to differ 112 and 113 have been shipping from Jollyann for 3 weeks. I’ve heard others say they had 510’s in stock.

    I got a smokin deal on my 111, I know the place I bought them from doesn’t have them any more.

    I’ll be most deals left are units on the shelf, time to pick up the phone and start calling

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nick is right, I have seen 112’3&113’s along with the 500 series. Give Wade @ Jolly Ann a ring/pm. He usually can beat anyones price, along with no tax and shipping. Also the 112&113 are actually selling a little cheaper than the 110&111’s were last year. The 110&111’s came out about $2400.00, the 112&113’s start out just above $2,000.00

    Nick, that deal was to hot. I ended up with 2.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    112 and 113 have been shipping from Jolly Ann for 3 weeks

    Correct Nick. We have limited supply of the new Lowrance lineup. Anyone interested might want to send me an email or PM to make sure we have the exact package you are looking for in stock now. Anything that is not in stcok now should be soon. I suggest getting in line with a pre-order. To do that, PM or email me with your phone number and I’ll contact you for billing and shipping information so you don’t get billed until it ships out. I’ll honor our online discount prices on all pre-orders too.

    As always, we appreciate the support here at In-DepthAngling!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977


    Nick, that deal was to hot. I ended up with 2.

    Tell me about it, if I hadn’t bought my 337 a couple weeks before that, I certainly would’ve entertained the idea, not sure I could’ve got two past the wife, but you don’t have that “problem” (yet).

    There a few changes it seems thus far between last year’s models and this year’s. There is how ever another choice, with the 8 inch screen models, you can save a little there and get nearly as big of a screen, I suppose you’ll be waiting on that one. And from my point of view the hard drive is totally worth the money, preloaded software is nice, so is the massive amount data you can store on the HD. I think the new HD units come with 3000 lakes, with maps preloaded, now they aren’t the best maps (navionics and lakemaster seem to have better contour maps) on the unit I have but they have fishing tips and spots marked on the big lakes, and that’s pretty neat if your unfamilar with a big body of water like the whitefish chain ( where our cabin is) unlike a more fished lake like mille lacs I find a hard time getting people to tell me where to fish, not that I can’t figure out spots, but it adds some confidense in trying some new spots. They also give you detailed road maps of the us, which I think is pretty cool, I can just take my 111 for ride in the car and newer be lost again.

    Posts: 2294

    I was talking to the Lowrance rep at the Boat show, and he showed me the new LCX-38HD and the LCX-37 (same unit but no HD). These units have every single feature that the 112’s and 113’s have, but they have slightly smaller screens than the larger units, but larger screens than the 26’s(?) 27’s(?), and he told me they are about $400 cheaper too. The only draw back was that he doesn’t expect them to be released till early June. Just an FYI, in case you’re interested.


    I took a look at the LCX-38 HD & the LCX-37 on the lowrance web site, and these seem like an awesome unit for the price! My question is, what features besides the internal hard drive and the larger screen do these units offer that the LCX-522 does not? Im pretty sure im going to pick up the LCX-522 or the LCX-334 so I would love to hear some info on how these units work for everyone

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Mostly screens, but there are other things, I’m not exactly sure how the nema bus works on the 522 (the 334 is discontinued unless you can still find one) It appears to have changes since the 334, not real sure what the differences are. And power seems to be the other big change, the 7 inch screens and larger all run more power on their transducers.

    Screen size alone is reason enough for me, it’s really nice to have a big screen to read your contour maps on.

    There is a compare option on lowrance’s site, pull up any unit and the site will let you compare it to any other.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Justin, The main advantage of moving up to the LCX units over the LMS units is the larger screen size. The LXC units are generally a little faster, in terms of screen redraw/processor speed. They also have two card slots instead of one. Finally, the LCX units offer the hard drive option in each size category. The hard drive includes Lowrance Fishing Hot Spots, Mapcreate, and Lowrance Nauticpath, as well as extra space for data storage. The maps on the HD units are not of the quality/detail of the Navionics or Lakemaster maps, but they are quite helpful none the less. Most serious anglers who purchase an HD unit also purchase an additional map chip (Navionics or Lakemaster). That’s something to keep in mind.

    I hope that helps!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Screen size alone is reason enough for me, it’s really nice to have a big screen to read your contour maps on.

    Good point Nick!

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