Nick, that deal was to hot.
I ended up with 2.
Tell me about it, if I hadn’t bought my 337 a couple weeks before that, I certainly would’ve entertained the idea, not sure I could’ve got two past the wife, but you don’t have that “problem” (yet).
There a few changes it seems thus far between last year’s models and this year’s. There is how ever another choice, with the 8 inch screen models, you can save a little there and get nearly as big of a screen, I suppose you’ll be waiting on that one. And from my point of view the hard drive is totally worth the money, preloaded software is nice, so is the massive amount data you can store on the HD. I think the new HD units come with 3000 lakes, with maps preloaded, now they aren’t the best maps (navionics and lakemaster seem to have better contour maps) on the unit I have but they have fishing tips and spots marked on the big lakes, and that’s pretty neat if your unfamilar with a big body of water like the whitefish chain ( where our cabin is) unlike a more fished lake like mille lacs I find a hard time getting people to tell me where to fish, not that I can’t figure out spots, but it adds some confidense in trying some new spots. They also give you detailed road maps of the us, which I think is pretty cool, I can just take my 111 for ride in the car and newer be lost again.