Please post a link to the “Independent Tests” that show Etecs beating Mercury 
Someone already has pointed out that Mercury makes almost all their small motors in Fond du Lac.
By the way, Mercury is almost always the least expensive motor in about any category also.
Unfortunately you forgot to provide any facts regarding the E-Tec or your opposition to the motor. So I will run a few pass you and you can tell me if I am wrong.
Without providing any facts I guess your only non-helpful comment was you don’t like there promo.
It would help if you would provide a few specifics on why you don’t like the E-Tec.
The E-Tec in 2006 offered a 7 year non-depreciating warranty. No other outboard even comes close.
The E-Tec is faster out of the hole and faster on top end.
The hole shots are not even close when compared to the four strokes, nor is top end.
The E-Tec has few moving parts, perhaps a dozen or so, the four strokes about 200. Apparently, you prefer the latter.
The E-Tec causes less pollution, that simple, and certified by US and Foreign governments.
The E-Tec requires little maintenance, albeit the four strokes are not that bad.
There are only a few independent tests, but you should read them. In all cases the E-Tec places number 1 0r 2. The closest competitors are Suziki and Yamaha; Merc almost always finishes last.
On the less positive note the E-Tec is simply not as quite as a Suziki or Yamaha. Idling speed is about the same.
Finally, the E-Tec is manufactured in Sturdivant, WI. Unlike Merc, the plant provides jobs for Americans.
Now, what is your problem with E-Tec.
A few other notes. Why this post was moved I have no idea, but suspect we would have gotten more opinions if it would have stayed on the General Discussion Board.
Gary, thanks for your comments about the kid, and I hope he has been helpful regarding Chevy’s.