2 stroke E-Tech, VS 4 stroke outboards (40-60hp)

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  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I missed a heck of a deal on one not to long ago a 2003 with 30 hours on it for $3700. I also plan on getting a 4 stroke Yamaha T8 kicker for trolling.

    I checked out that ad right after it was posted. I’m pretty sure you could have clocked the elapsed time from adding the classfied to the sale of that motor with an egg timer. That was an unbelievable price.

    Posts: 95

    I just skimed the rest of these responses, but I have 16.5 alumacraft navigator with a 70 hp Susiki (both 2001), and I couldn’t be happier with the motor(or boat). I change the oil once in mid summer and then I change the oil and filter before putting away for the winter. The etech comercial is a joke….although I’d love to have one on the back of a ranger if I could afford it . what ever you get, follow the manual and you’ll be fine. I’ve had several people say that they didn’t know my outboard was running at the dock until they heard it “clunk” into gear. I love the turn key and go of my susuki. also, my dad went on a fishing trip in B.C. and they were runing twin susuki 70’s, and the guide said they log over 9000 hrs on one before it needed to be replace. by the way, I get about 34 mph (gps) on my boat and the it seems to pretty easy on the gas.
    my 2 cents

    Posts: 4179

    I’m going to pop in here with another post in support of suzuki 4-strokes.

    I run a motor that is out of the HP range that started this thread (115 HP 4 stroke). My motor has a Johnson label on it, but is made by Suzuki. I have not run a quieter, more reliable motor in all the years I have been fishing (this is my 5th main motor). I can’t tell you how many times I have turned the key to start while the motor is running because I simply can’t hear it purr at idle. I’ve backtrolled past people who were simply amazed that the motor was in gear…it seems like the cooling “pee” stream makes more noise as it hits the water than the motor does (ok, ok, that may be a slight exaggeration, but it’s darn close).

    I will be looking HARD at another suzuki 4-stroke when it comes time to upgrade.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936


    I’m going to pop in here with another post in support of suzuki 4-strokes.

    I run a motor that is out of the HP range that started this thread (115 HP 4 stroke). My motor has a Johnson label on it, but is made by Suzuki. I have not run a quieter, more reliable motor in all the years I have been fishing (this is my 5th main motor). I can’t tell you how many times I have turned the key to start while the motor is running because I simply can’t hear it purr at idle. I’ve backtrolled past people who were simply amazed that the motor was in gear…it seems like the coolong “pee” stream makes more noise as it hits the water than the motor does (ok, ok, that may be a slight exaggeration, but it’s darn close).

    I will be lookign HARD at another suzuki 4-stroke when it comes time to upgrade.

    I second what Jason has stated above!!!

    I also run a Johnsuzuki 140hp 4 stoke……it’s all and more than what has been said!!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I too run a Suzuki 140 and agree with everything that has been said. As for the break in period being 8-10 hours for 4-strokes, it was really 3 hours. I just went to the St. Croix and put in at Hastings, went to Hudson and back and I was finished. The remaining 7 hours I just couldn’t run wide open for longer than 5 minutes at a time. Not too tough. I don’t have the specifications of weight for any motors out there, but several people have commented that it is the smallest 4-stroke they have ever seen and even looks smaller than some 2-stroke motors. I’ve never had another brand as a new motor before so I can’t speak to those but I sure wouldn’t have any problem getting another Suzuki.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I was up early this morning and on Speed channel they had a torque test with the Evinrude E-tec vs Yamaha 4 stroke. Both 150 and set up to manufactures specs. They pu a tow strap between the boats and had a tug of war. The E-tec pulled the other boat backwards and filled it full of water until it flipped over. I will try to find the video and post it.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Did they show what props were used? Where both the boats the same?

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    More silly videos from E-tec. I didnt see a rep from Yamaha in the video but the E-tec guy was certainly there. I noticed the E-tec jerked the line and got a head start.

    The Yamaha looked lifeless.. I wonder if they even hit the throttle.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Ever seen a commercial where the company that paid for the ad, lost


    Posts: 701


    I guess I could be wrong, but I believe that was about the first 60 EFI that was built in-house by Merc.

    I just found this http://www.rbbi.com/links/outboard.htm – Last year (2005), Mercury four stroke powerheads from 25 through 225 HP (except the Verados) were built by Yamaha. Several of those models used Mercury drive legs, electronics and EFI systems (replacing carbs Yamaha used in similar sized engines).

    My mistake. I guess the engine is a hybrid, Yamaha’s powerhead and Merc’s systems in it.

    And in fairness… For years Merc and Yamaha were “synergistic partners”. It was them against OMC back in the day. It wasn’t just Yamaha building stuff for Merc, Yamaha bought Merc lower units and power heads over the years too. They really had a good relationship at one point.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    E tech does have a good warranty on there motors. Got to use mine several times. Only thing they have not covered yet is the fouled plugs. But the starter and tiller arm they had no problem taking care of free of charge. To bad they dont ncluded tow service with there warranty.
    I do need to give some credit to the shop that has been working on the motor for me. The motor was not sold by them but Hanneys still seem to treat me pretty fair on service.

    This is a 70hp e tech I am running. Nice running motor when its running right. Love the gas millage. Light weight. Good speed and take off. It has me a little concerned with the problems I have been having and what is it going to cost when the warranty is up.

    Any one else been having any problems withthe 70s or 90 hp E tech motors?

    Posts: 701

    Please post a link to the “Independent Tests” that show Etecs beating Mercury

    Someone already has pointed out that Mercury makes almost all their small motors in Fond du Lac.

    By the way, Mercury is almost always the least expensive motor in about any category also.


    Unfortunately you forgot to provide any facts regarding the E-Tec or your opposition to the motor. So I will run a few pass you and you can tell me if I am wrong.

    Without providing any facts I guess your only non-helpful comment was you don’t like there promo.

    It would help if you would provide a few specifics on why you don’t like the E-Tec.

    The E-Tec in 2006 offered a 7 year non-depreciating warranty. No other outboard even comes close.

    The E-Tec is faster out of the hole and faster on top end.
    The hole shots are not even close when compared to the four strokes, nor is top end.

    The E-Tec has few moving parts, perhaps a dozen or so, the four strokes about 200. Apparently, you prefer the latter.

    The E-Tec causes less pollution, that simple, and certified by US and Foreign governments.

    The E-Tec requires little maintenance, albeit the four strokes are not that bad.

    There are only a few independent tests, but you should read them. In all cases the E-Tec places number 1 0r 2. The closest competitors are Suziki and Yamaha; Merc almost always finishes last.

    On the less positive note the E-Tec is simply not as quite as a Suziki or Yamaha. Idling speed is about the same.

    Finally, the E-Tec is manufactured in Sturdivant, WI. Unlike Merc, the plant provides jobs for Americans.

    Now, what is your problem with E-Tec.

    A few other notes. Why this post was moved I have no idea, but suspect we would have gotten more opinions if it would have stayed on the General Discussion Board.

    Gary, thanks for your comments about the kid, and I hope he has been helpful regarding Chevy’s.

    Posts: 64


    This is a 70hp e tech I am running. Nice running motor when its running right. Love the gas millage. Light weight. Good speed and take off. It has me a little concerned with the problems I have been having and what is it going to cost when the warranty is up.

    Any one else been having any problems withthe 70s or 90 hp E tech motors?

    You might want to check which outboard you have because Evinrude does not build a 70hp E-TEC. And how could you spend that kind of money on something and not know what you have?

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    You might want to check which outboard you have because Evinrude does not build a 70hp E-TEC.

    Now that’s the best warranty that I have ever heard of, fixing motors that they do not even make.
    That is not a rip on E-Tec, I just found it really funny.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364


    Ever seen a commercial where the company that paid for the ad, lost


    Yep Progressive Insurance…they are out there to find you the right insurance for you…and they will tell you. They actually said that American Family would be best…

    Posts: 973


    E-Tec had one recall on their 2006 motors. I bet your 70HP wasn’t included inasmuch as they never made one.

    As an aside, if any of you did not receive the recall notice, send me a private message and I will give you the info. For whatever reason, when E-Tec issued the recall notice many buyers were not informed, including me. I found about it from another E-Tec owner.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I have been in Mikes/Tucks old boat many times and I’m pretty sure it is a 70hp ETEC.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I was thinking the same thing. I’ve drove it. I’ve ridden in it. After I read the comments about not making a 70 then I started to doubt my admittedly feeble memory… but I could have sworn it was a 70.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Same here……I was in that rig too……max hp is 80hp and he had a 70 E-tec on it…….

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I was going to by that boat. Its a 75 HP.

    W & E Wi
    Posts: 78

    I ussually don’t put much input here, but these are facts that I know for sure.

    The Mer 25-60 hp were made in WI before Brunswick purchased Tohatsu. The other motors pre Verado were Jap power heads. The two companies were in a joint venture and shared technology and parts. They seperated ties and came out with the Verado line.

    On the smaller HP motors between 2,3 & 4 cylinders the engineers told me the 3 cyl idle the best!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431



    Ever seen a commercial where the company that paid for the ad, lost


    Yep Progressive Insurance…they are out there to find you the right insurance for you…and they will tell you. They actually said that American Family would be best…

    Good for them, not many companies will even think about doing what Progressive Insurance did then.

    Posts: 973

    I just went to the E-Tec site and never found a 70HP listed.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Must of had 5 hp fall off of it some where to. Yes it is a 75hp.

    Posts: 973

    I would be happy to once you respond to my comments, which you have attached. Frankly, you can search the net yourself and find a fair number of reviews, albeit most cover the larger HP motors.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    I guess I could be wrong, but I believe that was about the first 60 EFI that was built in-house by Merc.

    As I told 2fishy in a PM, I was refering to motors being made here and their world headquarters here employing Americans. The posts as it was made it sound like ALL Mercs were made overseas.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    I have been in Mikes/Tucks old boat many times and I’m pretty sure it is a 70hp ETEC.

    It’s a 75.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    E-Tec had one recall on their 2006 motors. I bet your 70HP wasn’t included inasmuch as they never made one.

    As an aside, if any of you did not receive the recall notice, send me a private message and I will give you the info. For whatever reason, when E-Tec issued the recall notice many buyers were not informed, including me. I found about it from another E-Tec owner.

    Trust me, this ETEC Mike has had been babied by Evinrude. I was the guinea pig for the new tiller handle. That motor received all the new mapping before other motors did. It is a fact. ETEC’s eat plugs. There are other issues coming out that I will let Mike or others who currently run them discuss, as it will look like I am biased if I say anything.

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